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Digital Aircraft Fueling Solution and Network with Pilot EFB App Demo Webinar [aFuel Platform and Cockpit EFB App Demo; Real-Time Data Analysis for Optimized Turnarounds; Reduce Delay Minutes by 75%; IT System Integration; Digital Twin Analysis]

Register to attend this Webinar to see how aFuel, the digital fueling solution and largest worldwide fueling network, is transforming the aircraft fueling processes.  As used by airlines such as Lufthansa, SWISS, Cathay Pacific, SunExpress, and more, you will see how the aFuel solution seamlessly connects airlines with into-plane agents to digitize the end-to-end fueling process. From when the pilot communicates a fuel order, via the EFB device, to the into-plane agent who accepts the order and assigns a fuel truck, through to when the digital fuel slip is sent to the pilot, then to the pilot signing the fuel slip with an eSignature. Throughout the process the system sends the pilot real-time updates on each key milestone such as when the fuel hose has been disconnected. During the Webinar, aFuel experts will outline how the solution is powered by the largest worldwide fueling network of airlines and into-plane agents at 141 airports across 29 countries, with a flight that has been fueled via aFuel taking off every 5 minutes. You will see how airlines can either adopt the off-the-shelf EFB App for immediate use and access, or can opt for a full-scale integration within their existing IT infrastructure and processes for seamless automation and to unlock the full suite of features.  Advanced functionality you will see includes Pilots, in flight, alerting into-plane agents to fueling changes, or that it is a tankering flight, so no additional fuel is needed.  Also, how the real-time data generated allows airlines to create a digital twin of every single fueling process to monitor and optimize performance across their network.  

You will learn the key benefits airlines are receiving including faster turnarounds, reducing delay minutes by 75%, significant tankering cost savings; reducing back-office manual workload through digital integrations, streamlining invoicing and emission reporting; receiving real-time data allowing for full visibility and detailed process analysis, and reducing the carbon footprint through eliminating paper.

The Webinar is divided into the following 5 key sections:

  • Current Fueling Challenges; The Uber Network Effect: Transforming Aircraft Fueling
    The Webinar begins with an outline of how the network effect, similar to ride-hailing apps like Uber, can streamline and digitalize aircraft fueling processes. The aviation industry faces numerous challenges including fragmented supplier landscapes, with airlines often having a different fuel supplier and into-plane agent at each airport, and suppliers using inconsistent data standards. You will see how aFuel’s central platform can solve these issues, enhancing efficiency and data quality through utilizing IATA’s AIDX data standard. The aFuel team will dive into the specifics of how a central digital entity facilitates seamless communication, increases leverage for airlines, and establishes common standards, making the fueling process faster, more robust, and more reliable.

  • aFuel Product Overview and Presentation
    Next, the aFuel team will take you on a tour of aFuel, the world’s largest digital fueling network, now operational at 141 airports across 29 countries, with a flight every 5 minutesbeing fueled via aFuel, highlighting its widespread adoption and reliability. This segment will detail the comprehensive capabilities of aFuel, including how it connects airlines with into-plane agents, ensuring faster turnarounds, reducing delay minutes by at least 75%, and offering significant tankering savings through pre-communication features. You will see how aFuel’s robust data quality streamlines invoicing and emission reporting, reducing the need for manual data entry and ensuring precise, real-time information.

  • aFuel Demo and Integration Option #1 – Full Scale Integration
    Next, you will find out how aFuel can seamlessly integrate with existing IT and process landscapes. This section will cover the full-scale integration approach, where aFuel works closely with airlines to align their systems with aFuel’s digital standards. You will learn about the adjustments and benefits, ensuring a smooth transition to digital fueling operations, resulting in a unified, efficient process that enhances overall performance.

  • aFuel Demo and Integration Option #2 – aFuel Cockpit – EFB App
    Next, you will experience the ease of using the aFuel Cockpit App, the fast-track integration option that requires no adjustments to existing systems. This app guides pilots through the entire fueling process on their Electronic Flight Bag (EFB). Downloadable from the App Store or Google Play Store, the aFuel Cockpit App simplifies operations and accelerates adoption. You will see a live demo of the app in action, illustrating how it provides a seamless digital experience, enhancing efficiency and reducing the operational workload.  The demo will follow the process of a typical flight from when the pilot communicates a fuel order, via the EFB device, to the into-plane agent who accepts the order and assigns a fuel truck, through to when the digital fuel slip is sent to the pilot, then right up to the pilot signing the fuel slip with an eSignature, the system sends the pilot real-time progress updates on each step in the process such as when the fuel hose has been disconnected.

  • aFuel Product Future Developments and Roadmap
    Lastly you will get a sneak peek into the future developments of aFuel. This section will discuss upcoming features and enhancements designed to further optimize aircraft fueling. You will learn about the product roadmap and how new integrations and technological advancements will continue to improve efficiency, data quality, and operational performance, ensuring that aFuel remains at the forefront of digital fueling solutions.  Developments you will see include the aFuel Suite – an application to analyze and compare performance levels at different airports, making full use of the data generated during the fueling process.  Predictive and further data automation software tools will also be discussed.

Why Attend?

  • Innovate: Learn how digital transformation can make your fueling processes faster, more reliable, and paper-free.
  • Network: Engage with industry experts and peers during the Q&A session, exchanging insights and experiences.
  • Experience: Witness the live demo and see how the aFuel Cockpit can be seamlessly integrated into your operations, driving efficiency and sustainability.

During the Webinar, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the aFuel team, gaining deeper insights into how the solutions can benefit your operations. Whether you are looking to fully integrate your systems or take advantage of our aFuel Cockpit app, this webinar will provide the knowledge and tools you need to move forward with confidence.

Register Now to secure your spot and be part of this transformative journey in aircraft fueling. Don’t miss the opportunity to stay ahead in the aviation industry and drive your operations towards greater efficiency and sustainability.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

How NextGen Artificial Intelligence Boosts Airlines’ Fuel Efficiency Demo Webinar [Net Zero 2050; SkyBreathe® Analytics Demo: New Smart AI Assistant SkyBreathe® Advisor, with Simulator & Smart Insight, SkyBreathe® Benchmark for industry comparisons, more]

*This webinar is open to Airlines and Aircraft Operators only

Register to view this On-Demand Webinar (recorded 13th June 2024) to to discover, how Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) capacity to analyze extensive data volumes and identify patterns, is taking airline fuel efficiency to the next level, via a first look and demo of the revolutionary new smart AI assistant SkyBreathe® Advisor from industry leaders OpenAirlines. During the Webinar, OpenAirlines experts will showcase how SkyBreathe® Advisor with its four AI powered main features reveals potential fuel saving areas to airlines through analyzing the industry’s largest anonymized data set of 67+ airlines, and over a decade of historical flight data. Firstly, you will see the Smart Insight feature that analyzes the airline’s operations and compares them with industry trends to offer insights, predictions, or recommendations for where the airline can progress on fuel saving.  Next, you will see SkyBreathe® Benchmark, where an airline can anonymously compare its performance with other airlines on similar operations (aircraft, routes, airports, etc.), to identify areas for improvement and increase fuel savings, as well as monitor fuel efficiency trends. Next, you will see Simulator which is an advanced simulation tool that lets analysts test the impact of a fuel efficiency action to make complex decisions confidently.

Finally, you will see a demo of the latest evolution of the main SkyBreathe® eco-flying platform, Analytics; the airlines’ preferred AI digital solution for saving fuel and reaching net zero 2050 goals. You will also see real-world examples and success stories from some of the 67+ global airline community using SkyBreathe® Analytics to optimize operations and reduce fuel consumption

Full Webinar Preview:

Artificial Intelligence’s capacity to analyze extensive data, identify patterns and make informed choices, is paving the way for fresh possibilities in enhancing fuel efficiency. In aviation, airline operators can adopt various fuel-saving strategies—known as best practices for fuel efficiency—to minimize aircraft fuel consumption.

In this webinar, OpenAirlines explore how AI transforms data analytics, revolutionizes decision-making processes, and how AI-driven insights can maximize fuel efficiency and drive sustainable practices.

Embark on a journey with OpenAirlines to discover the evolution of the SkyBreathe® eco-flying platform, airlines’ preferred AI digital solutions for saving fuel and reaching net zero 2050 goals. You will get a 360-degree view of SkyBreathe® Analytics, from knowing how the software builds the core of your fuel program to identifying prevalent fuel-efficiency market trends and unlocking new possibilities thanks to a smart AI assistant.

Exclusive Sneak Peek: Be the first to witness the groundbreaking SkyBreathe® Advisor concept. Experience a live demo showcasing the advanced features designed to revolutionize fuel efficiency management. Explore AI-powered recommendations fed by the largest dataset of 67+ airlines and over a decade of historical flight data.

Roadmap to the future: Get an exclusive glimpse into OpenAirlines’ future plans and upcoming Advisor features. Stay ahead of the curve as they unveil the next generation of fuel efficiency solutions and chart the course for industry-leading innovation.

Interactive Q&A Session: Engage with experts in the dynamic Q&A session. Ask questions, share insights, and gain a deeper understanding of SkyBreathe® Analytics’ limitless possibilities.

Don’t miss this opportunity, reserve your spot now and embark on a journey towards smarter, greener skies with SkyBreathe®.

Webinar Agenda:

  • Fuel efficiency, a central part of the net zero 2050 goals to accelerate sustainable aviation through digital technology.

  • Fuel efficiency in the era of Artificial Intelligence: how AI greatly enhances decision-making in today’s world.

  • Real-world examples and success stories of airlines using SkyBreathe® Analytics to optimize operations and reduce fuel consumption.

  • SkyBreathe® Analytics Demo: Learn about the latest evolution of SkyBreathe® Analytics, a comprehensive solution for identifying fuel-saving opportunities, monitoring progress, and taking action.

  • SkyBreathe® Benchmark Demo: See how the powerful comparator anonymously monitors the SkyBreathe® community data, delivers fuel efficiency trends and let you compare your operations to your peers. You will see how an airline can anonymously compare its performance with other airlines on similar operations (aircraft, routes, airports, etc.), to identify areas for improvement and increase fuel savings

  • SkyBreathe® Advisor demo: Get an exclusive first view of SkyBreathe® Advisor, a new powerful assistant that helps you prioritize initiatives with the highest value. You will see the Smart Insight feature that analyzes the airline’s operation and compares them with industry trends to offer insights, predictions, or recommendations to know where the airline can progress on fuel saving.  Next, you will see Simulator which is an advanced simulation tool that lets analysts test the impact of a fuel efficiency action to make complex decisions confidently.

  • Q&A with OpenAirlines

Speaker: Cécile Bouvier, Chief Product Officer at OpenAirlines

Cécile Bouvier, Chief Product Officer at OpenAirlines, holds a Master of Science from ISAE Supaero and started her career at OpenAirlines in 2016 as a Data Scientist. She now has a central position that leads her to work with development, sales, marketing, designers, and customer success teams to define the product roadmap based on the company’s product vision.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

Real-Time Flight Path Optimizer with Turbulence and Contrail Avoidance, plus Optimized Speeds Demo Webinar [ClearPath Demo for Pilot Data for In-Flight Efficiency; 5% Fuel/C02 Savings; Norwegian, Volaris Case Studies; Fuel Efficiency Dashboard]

*This Webinar is for airlines and aircraft operators only

Register to view this On-Demand Webinar (recorded 2nd May 2024) to see the latest advances in real-time cockpit flight efficiency, with a demo and overview of ClearPath, the real-time flight path optimizer and turbulence avoidance tool from AVTECH, as trusted by airlines worldwide to empower their flight crews and drive sustainability. As you will see, ClearPath, delivered as a service, is easy to deploy on any fleet, requiring no additional investments by using existing aircraft datalink technology (ACARS, FMC, Cockpit Printer, EFB, etc.), and can reduce fuel consumption, lower CO2 emissions, and improve overall flight efficiency by up to 5% for each flight from day one.  During the Webinar, the AVTECH team will walk you through the tool using a typical flight, showing how the real-time flight profile data is delivered to the flight deck via an EFB device, or simply via the cockpit computer, providing pilots with the information they need to optimize in-flight step climb/descent for the greatest efficiency gains, based on the airline’s selected cost index, actual performance data, and the current weather and atmospheric conditions.  You will also see the next-gen turbulence avoidance feature that informs pilots about hazardous turbulence along the flight path and suggests the most cost-effective way to avoid it, ensuring a safe and smoothjourney for aircraft and passengers. The Webinar will also showcase three new ClearPath features; a speed optimizer that saves additional fuel and time by flying a more optimal speed profile; a new dashboard monitoring tool that enables fuel efficiency managers to monitor and validate results; and a contrail modelling and avoidance feature (utilizing a high-resolution humidity forecast) through changing flight levels.

During the Webinar you will also learn about AVTECH’s innovative Aventus service, which delivers precise wind and temperature data to the aircraft flight computer for enhanced performance during climb, cruise, and descent. You will also see how all of AVTECH’s services are based on truly unique 10k global weather forecasts provided by the UK Met Office. The high-resolution weather data used in each computation is tailored for the individual flight, both in time and space; you will see how AVTECH retrieves this data in real-time to ensure that the most up-to-date weather information is always used for precise flight optimizations.  Finally, the AVTECH team will showcase some case study success stories from customers such as Norwegian, Volotea, and Volaris, outlining the efficiency gains per flight.

The Webinar is divided into 5 key sections:

  1. ClearPath Demo and Overview: Real-Time Flight Path Optimization & Turbulence Avoidance
    First, you will see a full demo and overview of ClearPath.  You will see how the solution combines real-time flight data (weight, used cost index, flight plan, active FMS route, etc.) with a sophisticated ground-based service that uses next-gen algorithms, linked directly to the industry’s leading high-resolution global weather model, to provide pilots with an easy-to-read report (via their EFB, or printer or display) providing decision support for selecting the most optimal flight level in all stages of flight to save fuel, CO2 emissions and time.  You will also see how ClearPath notifies the pilots about weather hazards along the route, such as significant turbulence and temperature exceedances, and proposes the cost-optimal flight path to avoid them. 

  2. ClearPath – Latest Innovations: Optimized Speeds, Fuel Efficiency Dashboard; Contrail Avoidance
    Next, you will learn about the latest ClearPath developments.  Firstly, the speed optimizer that finds the most cost-optimal speed profile for any given flight, based on the set mission target cost-index. As you will see ClearPath uses high-resolution data sources with a high-resolution aircraft performance model, to find the optimal speed in each flight segment that will provide a total cost-optimal speed profile. Secondly, the new dashboard monitoring tool that enables fuel efficiency managers to monitor and validate results for each flight.  Lastly, a contrail modelling and avoidance feature (utilizing a high-resolution humidity forecast) through changing flight levels.  You will see results from a 737 operator which shows significant contrail reductions.

  3. ClearPath Airline Case Studies: Norwegian, Volotea, and Volaris
    Next, with case studies from Volotea and Norwegian, AVTECH experts will share analyses, data, and experiences from implementations of ClearPath on both Airbus and Boeing aircraft.  You will see how the airlines are optimizing each flight and generating up to 5% of fuel and CO2 savings.  The data and analyses show where the most savings can be realized at particular sectors in each flight.  Examples you will see include a 787 trans-Atlantic flight showing how ClearPath was able to direct the pilots to change altitude to take maximum advantage of beneficial jet stream winds over Europe and save 1.7% of cruise fuel during that sector; as well as how Volaris saved 3,150 tons of fuel over the past year.

  4. Aventus Overview and Benefits: Real-Time Automated Optimized Wind and Temperature Data Uplink
    Next, you will see a demo and overview of Aventus which up-links precise wind and temperature data to the aircraft to improve FMC calculations during climb, cruise, and descent. As you will see, Aventus calculates the optimal wind levels to be inserted to best represent the current climb, cruise and descent wind profile for each flight, for optimum efficiency and significant fuel saving. The up-links can be sent directly to the FMC or as a text message to the cockpit.  Aventus utilizes the most accurate high-resolution weather forecasts from the UK Met Office, combined with AVTECH’s patented algorithms, to calculate optimum wind levels.

  5. UK Met-Office Global High-Resolution Weather Data
    Finally, you will see how all AVTECH’s services use global high-resolution weather provided by UK Met Office, and how the weather data used in each computation is unique and tailored for each flight. You will see how AVTECH retrieves this data in real-time to guarantee that the latest and most up to date weather is always used in-flight, ensuring the best flight optimizations. As you will see, the weather data derived from the Met Office’s High-Resolution model has unmatched accuracy and reduces the error between actual and forecast winds to a minimum.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

Live Aircraft Data Monitoring Platform for Predictive Maintenance, On-Ground Fuel Savings, and OTP Analysis Demo Webinar [FlightWatching Platform Demo: Optimize Turn-Around Time and Performance; Reduce AOGs; Create Custom Alerts and Dashboards; more]

Register to view this On-Demand Webinar (recorded 7th March 2024) to see a demo and overview of the powerful and unique in the industry, Live Aircraft Data Monitoring Platform from FlightWatching, which connects to the aircraft in real-time, monitoring and querying all the data coming off the aircraft. As you will see, the platform uses any type of nose-to-tail data sources from the aircraft: ACARS in real-time, or data such as QAR, DAR, SAR or, for legacy aircraft, using the aircraft’s avionic boxes and systems. During the Webinar you will see demos of solutions that FlightWatching has developed to tap into and drive value from the data using innovative algorithms and the latest AI/ML technology, including:

  • Real-Time On-Ground Fuel Saving and Cabin Readiness: How to save fuel during ground operations; Optimize APU performance with live detection of APU over runs at the gate; how to achieve desired temperatures for boarding at optimum costs and carbon footprint.
  • Real-Time Turn-Around Optimization; OTP Analysis: Perform remote real-time pre-flight checks for potential AOG problems, inc: low water levels, inadequate tire pressure, etc.; On-Time Performance analysis for key KPIs such as: how much time is taken for cargo loading or fuel loading? Where are airlines losing time?
  • APU Predictive Maintenance Analytics: Reduce unscheduled APU removals and maintenance costs. Engineers are alerted to potential problems before they lead to an AOG.

As you will see the platform operates in a browser so works on all devices, connecting with the FlightWatching server which collects the data and computes in real-time, providing results and trends to key staff at airlines, operators, MROs and OEMs. Additionally, users can configure custom reports, dashboards, real-time analyses, data driven models, set up alerts, and can choose to display results for each aircraft or an entire fleet.

The Webinar begins with an overview and demo of how the FlightWatching platform optimizes the use of power sources on ground to reduce jet fuel costs for sustainable turnarounds. You will see that the platform not only saves fuel and reduces the carbon footprint but also helps cabin readiness for boarding at the desired cabin temperature with the optimum energy consumption. Plus, you will see complementary modules to ensure departure on time depending on an airline’s specifics.  Next, MROs will be interested in the next section showing how to optimize repair costs by scheduling APU removals, reducing APU BER (Beyond Economic Repair). As you will see airlines can now monitor APU health at a competitive price and benefit from a suite of tailored services as part of Revima APU Predictive Care. Finally, you will see how the platform utilizes machine learning modules to deliver an unmatched predictability level of performance. You will see how airlines, operators, MROs and OEMs can take charge of their own data to set up different levels of data management, from simple alerts to potential problems, to building statistical reports and dashboards.  

The webinar will alternate between presentations showcasing key features and the value of each solution, followed by a demo showing how the system works and the user interface.

The Webinar is divided into five key sections:

  1. Revima & FlightWatching by Revima: World Experts in Ground Assets
    First, an overview of Revima and FlightWatching. As you will see, from expertise in Landing Gears and APU MRO expertise to digital suite of solutions, Revima and FlightWatching by Revima provide a unique set of services guaranteeing optimum ground performance, and sustainable turnarounds. They are designed to save fuel on the ground and reduce maintenance costs on APU assets, through reducing unscheduled APU removals, optimizing APU performance, saving jet fuel during ground operations, and ensuring cabin comfort before boarding.

  2. Platform Demo: On-Ground Fuel Saving Solutions and Cabin Readiness
    Next, you will see how real time connectivity to the Aircraft opens huge opportunities to save fuel. This section of the Webinar will provide insights on the live detection of APU over runs and the monitoring of external power sources usage. As you will see, real-time recommendations are provided to key ground staff on how to best sequence all the power sources so that the cabin reaches the desired temperature for boarding at the optimum cost and carbon footprint.

  3. Platform Demo: Turn-Around Tailored Solutions and On-Time Performance Analytics
    Next, you will see how live connection to the aircraft also permits users to perform remote preflight checks and detect marginal situations such as a low water level or inadequate tire pressure and prioritize maintenance actions to ensure departure on time. As you will see, the high flexibility of the platform, along with the expertise of FlightWatching’s team in aircraft data treatment, provide an unmatched level of customized solutions for airline turnarounds.

    You will see how the platform analyses On-Time Performance, so that airlines can see where they are wasting time during their arrivals / turnarounds.  The system is connected in real-time to the aircraft so that FlightWatching can monitor in detail, for each aircraft, what is happening to the aircraft on arrival and departure. Key KPIs can be generated for turnarounds; so, for example, how much time are you taking to open the door on arrival? how much time for cargo loading? how much time for fuel loading? etc.  Airlines can see exactly where they are losing time and adjust accordingly as well as monitor key aircraft systems in real-time such as tire pressures which could lead to an AOG during turnaround.

  4. Platform Demo: Predictive Maintenance
    Next, you will see a deep dive into the backbone of the predictive maintenance tool taking a couple of APU use cases. The demo will show how far users can get into data exploration, customization and how it converts into value. You will see how the intelligence of the platform brings value to stretch equipment dispatch reliability, improve time on wing and reduce maintenance costs. You will see how engineers are alerted to potential problems before they lead to an AOG, and how the data can advise when the component should be removed and repaired or replaced during scheduled maintenance.

  5. Data Analytics: From Trends to AI / Machine Learning – Build your own Reports
    Finally, the FlightWatching presenters will take you through the more technical portion of the Webinar. You will learn how FlightWatching strategically tackles complexity within data management, with each problem having its own solution, whether that is using a statistical, mathematical or machine learning approach. You will see how this approach allows users to set up different levels of data management, from simple alerts to potential problems or anomalies, to building statistical reports and dashboards to answer key operational queries and analyze over time, to using innovative AI / Machine Learning real-time analysis and data driven models.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

Digital EFB Apps with Automated Flight Data Management and Analytics, plus Integrated Dispatch Solutions Demo Webinar [skybook Demo: EFB Flight Phase Workflow, Data Integration, WX & NOTAM Monitoring, Fuel & Delay Performance Analysis, Live Flight Tracking]

Register to view this on-demand webinar (recorded 7th December 2023) to see a demo of the award winning end-to-end digital EFB, Automated Flight Data Management, and Dispatch Solution, skybook¸ from Bytron Aviation Systems, as used by over 150 airlines of all sizes and fleet types worldwide, to digitize and integrate workflows for Pilots, Dispatch, OCC, and engineers for each flight.  During the Webinar the Bytron team will use demos of their solution to showcase how skybook supports airlines to meet today’s challenges through connecting the workflow of flight operations and flight crew for each flight from pre-flight to in-flight to post-flight, by automating manual data processes with seamless data integrations; and through advanced features such as post flight analytics covering fuel and delay performance, and real-time alerts sent to key people about emerging issues that could impact an upcoming flight. The demos will show the full end-to-end skybook solution including EFB App, Digital Briefing, Flight Tracking, Advanced Flight Data Analytics, Flight Dispatch, and Airfield / NOTAM monitoring, plus integrations with key 3rd party systems, all seamlessly sharing data for all phases of each specific flight, online and offline.  As you will, see airlines and operators can also design and construct their own system, by selecting the modules and features tailored to their own workflows, or specific Apps to integrate and enhance their current platforms.

The Webinar begins with a short overview of skybook, before the Bytron team showcase some of the key features and modules. First you will see the seamless data exchange and integrations which create efficiencies for dispatch and OCC departments – including Flight Planning, Crew Roster, load sheets, ACARS, weather, NOTAMs, and more – providing a single truth for flight data management. Next you will learn how EFB workflows can be tailored for any airline’s needs, whether you have dynamic and automated flight briefings or restricted briefing packages.  You will also see some new developments such as the EFB Document Library, and real-time flight status board to manage potential delays; as well as some key reporting and analytics features to measure planned vs actual fuel burn, on-time performance and delay code analysis data.  The GADSS compliant Flight Tracking solution will also be shown with real-time alerts, along with real-time Airfield / NOTAM monitoring.  During the Webinar the Bytron team will additionally show how skybook provides the tools to improve decision making and identify performance gains by capturing and analysing data across every flight.

The Webinar is divided into the following key sections:

  • skybook – Full Overview and Benefits
    The Webinar begins with a look at the benefits and the reasons why airlines choose skybook to connect the flight phase workflow for flight operations and flight crew, including: improving the dispatch process by automating flight data management and removing manual information gathering, to going paperless. You will see how skybook simplifies and digitizes processes in all phases of flight for Pilots, Dispatch, OCC, and engineers.
  • skybook – Seamless Data Exchange and Integration: Pilots, OCC, Dispatch
    Next you will learn about skybook’s seamless data exchange and integrations which create efficiencies for dispatch and OCC departments for each flight. You will see how integrating data into skybook saves airlines a huge amount of time, generates efficiency and becomes their single point of truth for flight data management.  As well as seamlessly sharing data between the core skybook modules, you will see how smart APIs also link to existing systems such as: Flight Planning, Crew Roster, load sheets, ACARS, weather, NOTAMs, and more
  • skybook – Tailored EFB Workflow Demo
    Next you will Learn about the different types of tailored workflow options that suit any specific airline’s operations, depending on whether the airline has dynamic and automatic flight briefings or restricted briefing packages. You will also gain an insight into the EFB workflows for all phases of flight, including: EFB Digital Briefing for interactive OFP Information; METAR, TAF, Upper Wind & Temp Charts; Route Plots and ETOPS Charts and more, and EFB Journey Log for sector and voyage sign off; instant synching of data back to the ground team; de-icing info, and more.
  • skybook – Latest Developments: EFB Document Library, Dispatch Flight Status, Analytics
    Next Bytron will showcase some of the newest features in skybook from the past year. This includes:
    EFB Document Library – manage docs and manuals within the Ground Portal and seamlessly send them to designated EFB devices.
    Flight Dispatch combined with Ops Board – gain instant awareness into flight status and manage potential delays.
    Fuel analytics data taken directly from the EFB – showcasing planned vs actual fuel, Route data and fuel burn.
    Post-flight data storage – Access all historic post-flight data stored within record vault.
  • skybook – Demos: Reporting & Analytics, Flight Tracking, Airfield/Notam Monitoring
    Then you will see demos of skybook’s other stand-out ground modules such as:
    Reporting & Analytics, featuring on-time performance and delay code analysis data.
    GADSS compliant Flight Tracking which uses planned and live positioning data taken from real time ACARS or ADS-B, to track each aircraft during its flight, plus real-time alerts.
    Airfield / NOTAM monitoring for automatic monitoring and awareness of weather conditions. Providing operators with an intelligent overview of all departures, destinations and alternates, frequently updating to the latest MET and NOTAM information.

The Webinar will conclude with a look at what’s next for skybook over the next 12 months, followed by a 15-minute skybook question and answer session with members of the Bytron team.

During the session, attendees will get a good understanding of how skybook can be used to capture vital information, that can easily be shared across third party systems during each flight phase.

The Bytron team are more than happy to arrange follow up sessions with interested parties to focus on specific areas of interest.

Simply email info@bytron.aero or visit www.bytron.aero.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

Predictive In-Flight Fuel Efficiency Pilot Guidance Solution for all Flight Phases Demo Webinar [SITA OptiFlight Demo – Climb Out, Shortcut Recommendations Enroute; Flight Data; ML Aircraft Performance Models; 4D Weather; EFB Integration; more]

Register to view this On-Demand Webinar (recorded 28th September 2023) to see a demo of the unique SITA OptiFlight solution, which brings real-time data science to the cockpit. As you will see, ahead of each flight, OptiFlight utilizes machine learning to build tail-specific predictive performance models for the aircraft, using historical flight data (inc. airline-specific waypoint-to-waypoint tracks flown), plus accurate 4D weather to determine the optimum fuel saving scenarios for all phases of the flight. The fuel saving scenarios are then translated into easy-to-apply tactical recommendations displayed on the pilot’s existing EFB real-time in-flight, (or before the flight via the paper briefing package) providing them with the data needed to request shortcuts from ATC in-flight, optimize speeds and altitudes for the climb-out phase, and more. During the Webinar you will be taken on a demo of SITA OptiFlight from a pilot’s perspective, with a focus on climb-out and cruise optimization. You will also see how, after each flight, actual fuel consumed is compared with predictions for detailed fuel savings reports. The data is then used to update the machine-learning model and further optimize accuracy and efficiency for each future flight.  You will also see how OptiFlight is suitable for all airlines and operators worldwide, requires no additional aircraft hardware or IT infrastructure, and can integrate with all OFP sources, as well as EFFs and EFB Apps, and even paper based briefing packages. Finally, you will see some real-world airline case studies and see how OptiFlight allows them to achieve significant fuel savings, optimize efficiency, and reduce emissions for each flight.

During this webinar, you will be taken on a demo of SITA OptiFlight from a pilot’s perspective. The following SITA OptiFlight modules will be shown:

  • OptiClimb: Delivers a customized climb schedule to save, on average, 5% of fuel burn.
  • OptiDirect: Provision of shortcut recommendations enroute, based on historical tracks flown and with an indication of fuel and time savings.

The Webinar is divided into 3 key sections:

  1. SITA OptiFlight Demo 1: Climb-out optimization using OptiClimb
    The climb phase consumes a large amount of fuel and can be further optimized. As you will see, thanks to machine learning performance models obtained from historical flight data for each tail, OptiClimb processes flight plan information together with accurate 4D weather forecasts to predict fuel burn in tens of thousands of scenarios for each climb-out. It then recommends the most efficient scenario to the pilots.

    As you will see, OptiClimb works for any type of aircraft, flight planning system or pilot briefing solution whether paper or electronic, with no equipment installation or connectivity required. Pilots receive customized speeds, which they enter into the Flight Management System, and which change at different altitudes for each flight.

  2. SITA OptiFlight Demo 2: Cruise optimization using OptiDirect
    Traditionally, pilots can request from ATC enroute, directs to save time and fuel but they often do not have the relevant tools or data in the cockpit to do so. As you will see OptiDirect recommends shortcuts based on historical tracks flown, with an indication of fuel and time savings. The solution also considers wind and temperature forecasts for the flight to recommend those shortcuts that will save the most on today’s flight.

  3. SITA OptiFlight Cockpit Integrations and Airline Case Studies
    Finally, you will see how SITA OptiFlight easily integrates with paper briefing packages and flight planning systems, and with multiple EFB and EFF apps, including SITA eWAS (SITA’s weather app) and SITA Flight Folder (SITA’s electronic Flight Folder). Lastly, you will see some real-world fuel savings examples from airlines who are using SITA OptiFlight.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

Advanced Airline Flight and Fuel Efficiency Projects using Next-Gen Honeywell Flight Efficiency Platform Webinar [Center-of-Gravity Fuel Economy; RNP Approach Procedure Analysis; FMS Savings; Airport Specific RETO Compliance; more]

*Please note: this webinar is for airlines and aircraft operators only

Register to view this On-Demand Webinar (recorded 6th July 2023) and join Honeywell as they showcase how they assist airlines around the world to take their standard best practice fuel and flight efficiency tracking to the next level; assisting them to establish advanced bespoke projects to yield significant fuel and operational efficiency savings. The Webinar begins with Honeywell fuel efficiency experts providing an overview of Honeywell Flight Efficiency, their popular cloud-based, deep data analytics solution, as used by airlines of all sizes and fleet types worldwide to establish a companywide fuel efficiency program, as well as to equip management and flight crews with actionable insights that they can use to reduce fuel consumption and cut carbon emissions with every flight. You will see key features such as the Pilot Connect Mobile App, Dashboards, Data Quality Engine, Advanced analysis, and much more. You will then learn how airlines can use the solution, and Honeywell expertise, to take their fuel efficiency projects to the next level through analysing their unique operations data to identify new ways to save fuel and overcome operational challenges. The Honeywell team will take you through several different use cases including: optimizing Center of Gravity (CoG) before take-off; NextGen FMS savings tracking on Embraer aircraft; Optimizing Required Navigation Performance (RNP) approach procedures using historical flight data; Airport specific RETO Compliance monitoring; and more.

The Webinar is divided into the following key sections:

  • Overview of Honeywell Flight Efficiency and Identifying Advanced Savings
    The Webinar begins with an overview of Honeywell Flight Efficiency, a popular cloud-based, deep data analytics solution, as used by airlines of all sizes and fleet types worldwide (such as British Airways, Japan Airlines, AirAsia, Azul, Air Transat, Wideroe, and more) to establish a companywide fuel efficiency program and equip management and flight crews with specific guidance to pilots, ground personnel and others so that they can make informed decisions regarding fuel loading, taxiing and flight procedures, and plus gauge the impact of decisions affecting fuel economy on other airline priorities, like on-time performance. You will see key features such as the Pilot Connect Mobile App, Dashboards, Data Quality Engine, Advanced analysis, Trajectory Analysis, Statistical Fuel, how to utilize build-in content and drill down to analyse flight events.

    The Honeywell team will then outline how an airline can take a fuel efficiency program to the next level through analysing their unique operations data to identify new ways to save fuel using the Honeywell Flight Efficiency solution.
  • Advanced Use-Case 1: Optimizing Center of Gravity (CoG)
    The first advanced fuel efficiency use case you will see is optimizing the aircraft’s Center of Gravity (CoG). One of the big challenges that airlines face today is knowing exactly how much fuel they could save if they move CoG to the AFT. As you will see Honeywell uses a high-granularity dataset to build a ML model of CoG impact on fuel consumption.  The model is then loaded into the platform to calculate savings.

    The data gathered is the difference between an actual CoG and a most optimum CoG quantified on a per-flight basis in terms of excess fuel. The Aggregated results drive the model.
  • Advanced Use-Case 2: NextGen FMS Savings Tracking, following Upgrade
    Next you will see how the platform assists airlines who are flying Embraer aircraft to verify and measure fuel savings brought in through upgrading the conventional FMS which does not support Cost Index and ECON flight, to the Next Generation FMS (NGFMS) Gold which enables cost index flying for Embraer. You will see how the airline can then run reports and analyse data to show efficiency savings from the NGFMS. 

    The same process can be undertaken for any other fuel efficiency modifications, turning Honeywell Flight Efficiency into a value validation tool.
  • Advanced Use-Case 3: Optimizing Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Approach Procedures
    Next see how Honeywell assists airlines to analyse and fly optimum RNP profiles. Flight data is ingested into the platform and each flight is analysed with respect to the relevant RNP procedure so that compliance is established. By using flight events as filters, an airline user can easily analyse any segment of the RNP procedure and even establish compliance to a segment.  Flying the optimum RNP profiles may not always be possible due to operational registrations, so with this data airlines can analyse and understand why flights are unable to comply to RNP procedures and find ways to optimize operations for future flights.

  • Advanced Use-Case 4: Hong Kong Airport Specific RETO Compliance Project
    Hong Kong Airport are concerned with excessive N1, and therefore issued a requirement that airlines are authorized to perform engine-out taxi operations only if they maintain N1 lower than 40% in certain areas of the airport.  To get authorization airlines are required to implement a monitoring program. You will see how Honeywell assisted their customer operating out of Hong Kong Airport to set up a comprehensive monitoring program allowing the airline to track each flight that goes through the restricted areas storing, among other parameters, N1 data in easy-to-download reports.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

Pilot Digital Support Apps for end-to-end Fuel and Flight Efficiency Demo Webinar [SkyBreathe OnBoard EFB App for Real-Time Efficiency Guidance; SkyBreathe MyFuelCoach for Pilot Briefing; How to fully Engage Pilots; Airline Success Stories; more]

*This Webinar is for airlines and aircraft operators only

Register to view this On-Demand Webinar (recorded 1st June 2023) to discover how digital real-time tools help pilots reduce fuel burn and increase flight efficiency at each phase of flight. This will be via demos of the in-flight EFB App SkyBreathe® Onboard and pilot briefing App SkyBreathe® MyFuelCoach, part of the popular SkyBreathe® eco-flying platform from OpenAirlines.  During the Webinar, you will see real-life success stories from airlines such as Philippine Airlines and Air Caraibes, showcasing how to use the Apps to establish fuel efficiency best practices at each phase of flight and fully engage pilots in eco-flying initiatives.  You will then see demos of both Apps beginning with the EFB App SkyBreathe® OnBoard.  As you will see the App, powered by AI and using historical flight data, plus the most-up-to-date flight conditions (weather, performance, etc.) provides live assistance to pilots to notify them of a fuel saving opportunity, in-flight and during taxiing (e.g. when to: apply single engine taxi, change altitude for profile optimization, request a short cut from ATC, etc.) and shares the info in a simple and non-intrusive way.  Next, you will see the popular Pilot Briefing App Skybreathe® MyFuelCoach, and how pilots can see a full debrief of their fuel efficiency performance after each flight.  Pilots can instantly see how they have performed, what they have done well and what could be improved for the next flight.  Detailed analysis includes:  4D flight plan analytics to identify potential savings; how much fuel and CO2 was saved during the flight; progress tracking; and more.  MyFuelCoach also provides pilots with accurate fuel saving info for pre-flight briefings.

Full Webinar Preview

Register to view this On-Demand webinar to discover how digital tools help pilots reduce fuel burn at each stage of flight.

In the face of climate change, engaging pilots in flight efficiency has never been more important. As we wait for groundbreaking new technologies to hit the market, ensuring that pilots fly aircraft as efficiently as possible is key to reducing CO2 emissions today and achieving the industry’s 2050 net zero target – but how do you make it happen?

One key lever is to give pilots the support they need to make fuel-related decisions at any time; quickly, safely, and efficiently. End-to-end digitalization means you can empower pilots with accurate and actionable fuel insights before, during, and after the flight. With easy-to-use digital apps, you give them more control over fuel burn and the confidence to apply fuel-saving measures, while keeping safety as a top priority.

Join OpenAirlines for this engaging session with Martin Réot, Regional Account, to see how pilots can save fuel with minimal workload and maximum impact, thanks to digital technology.

During the webinar, OpenAirlines will discuss how to:

  • Apply fuel efficiency best practices at each phase of flight.
  • Engage pilots in eco-flying initiatives and see real-life success stories from airlines such as Philippine Airlines and Air Caraibes.
  • Use digital tools, with a live demo of the real-time EFB app SkyBreathe® OnBoard and pilot briefing app SkyBreathe® MyFuelCoach:

    Demo 1: SkyBreathe® OnBoard – EFB Pilot App for Real-Time Recommendations In-Flight
    First you will see a demo of the EFB App SkyBreathe® OnBoard that provides real-time support to pilots for fuel saving recommendations during each flight. As you will see the App, powered by the latest AI technology, uses historical flight data as well as the most-up-to-date real-time conditions including weather, aircraft performance and position, known ATC constraints, etc., to provide live assistance to pilots and to notify them of a fuel saving opportunities, inflight and during taxiing. The App shares the information in a simple and non-intrusive way.  As you will see during the demo, the notifications include: when to apply single engine taxi, flight profile optimization en-route, when to request a short cut from ATC, and more.

    Demo 2: SkyBreathe® MyFuelCoach – Pilot Briefing App for Post Flight Analytics & Enhanced Pre-Flight Briefings
    Next you will see a demo of the popular Pilot Briefing App Skybreathe® MyFuelCoach. The demo will show how pilots can see a full debrief of their fuel efficiency performance after each flight.  As you will see Pilots can instantly see how they have performed, what they have done well and what can be improved for the next flight. Detailed analysis includes:  4D flight plan analytics to easily identify efficiency opportunities at all phases of flight; how much fuel and CO2 was saved during the flight; progress tracking over time; and more.  MyFuelCoach also provides pilots with accurate fuel saving information for pre-flight briefings.
  • Answer all of your questions!

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

Real-Time Flight Turnaround Optimizer and Process Management App Demo Webinar [Real-Time Alerts to Problems; Data-Driven Analysis to Improve OTP; Optimize Efficiency – APU Burn Analysis; CASM Reduction; ACARS and Systems Integrations; more]

Register to view this On-Demand Webinar (recorded 25th May 2023) to see a demo and overview of the nextgen real-time flight turn process management App: ClearPort from data and connectivity specialists FLYHT.  As you will see ClearPort is specifically designed to provide all key personnel for each flight (pilots, flight crew, airport leader, OCC, dispatch, gate, maintenance, etc.) with real-time, automated progress reporting of each turn, and customized alerts to any problems, or potential problems; before they happen, thereby limiting unmet aircraft at the gate, and optimizing the entire turn process.  You will also see how ClearPoint can assist an airline to lower its cost per available seat mile (CASM) through optimizing the efficiency of each turnaround, including monitoring APU fuel burn at the gate, and minimizing the amount of time needed for a turn. Plus, you will see how data analytics provides airlines with the necessary tools to analyse the entire turn process over time and evaluate which portions are being met successfully and which need to be improved, even if there is not a delay; for example, catering loading, or bridge driving thereby optimizing future OTP.  The data additionally provides airlines with evidence to push the airport and external contractors to deliver a more optimum service.

As you will see, ClearPort is suitable for all airlines of all sizes and requires minimal airline IT support.  The App integrates with key systems such as ACARS messages from the aircraft allowing all personnel to see live status such as delays in-flight, or holding time, or auto-updates on the ground. Additionally, integrating with the airline’s reservation system allows ClearPort to automate most above wing timestamps showing the boarding process in real-time. Plus, by using FLYHT’s state-of-the-art AFIRS EDGE 5G WQAR/AID solution on-board the aircraft, ClearPoint receives all the data it needs to fully manage the airline’s turns and improve processes.

The Webinar is divided into the following six sections:

  • The Challenges Facing Airlines in the Turnaround Process; ClearPort Intro
    First, we will dive into real and impactful problems that airlines face, such as Catering Loading, APU Burn at Gate, and Unmet Aircraft, and how ClearPort can help. The lack of visibility into these controllable processes results in unnecessary CASM increases. The impact of these issues can easily result in millions of dollars in fuel being wasted.  Additionally, due to lack of visibility and technology, the airport turn process has been stuck in a cycle of reactive actions that often take place long after a delay has occurred. And because real-time information isn’t readily available, this leads to many unproductive conversations that focus on who’s to blame for a delay rather than focusing on the processes that are not under control.

    You will see how ClearPort can solve these problems by having the ability to see ALL data from a turn process with real-time alerting across the fleet. We solve the problem of the lack of data by helping your organization capture every single process of the turn. 
  • ClearPoint Overview – A Clear Window into the Turn Process
    Powered by AWS and a part of FLYHT’s JetBridge software suite, ClearPort gives airlines the tools to fix the problem now rather than trying to figure out what happened in the past. You will hear a deep dive into quantifying the cost of delays, CASM reduction, and how to understand what processes are in control and not in control. As you will see ClearPort gives airline’s the tools to know what’s happening at every gate, no matter where they are located.

    The solution to the complex problems is to look at the entire turn process in order to evaluate which portions of the turn are being met successfully and which ones need to be improved. ClearPort enables airlines to look at all portions of the turn in real time allowing key staff to act before a delay occurs and to see which processes are under control even if there is not a delay in place. ClearPort takes a two-pronged approach to improving OTP and Lowering CASM – outlined in the key features next.

  • ClearPoint Key Features 1: Real-Time Alerting
    The unique alerting engine allows airlines to customize alerts for processes that it is focusing on like APU shut off or when the ground handlers are late to the gate. These alerts are sent to leadership in time for them to get to the gate and fix the problem before costs or delays are incurred. FLYHT’s easy-to-use apps are available on the Google Play or Apple Store so that everyone can see how each turn is progressing. Once the expectation has been set with third-party contractors that each turn will be monitored, performance will improve across the board.

  • ClearPoint Key Features 2: Turn Process Improvement Focus
    For an airline that is operating with an on-time performance of 79.8%, airline management would normally focus on the 20.2% of the turns that result in a delay. However, ClearPort allows airlines to even see the processes that need attention during the turns but that do not reach the delay threshold. Airline’s often get caught in the trap of assuming that because a flight left on time, it therefore did not have issues that needed to be addressed. For off peak times, the load factor alone may allow an airline to get out on time even though processes are not followed according to standard. For example, most airlines do not look at bridge driving as something that can cause delays unless there is a significant bridge malfunction. Once an airline knows how long it takes for certain bridges to drive, it can now build that milestone into its turn and monitor its performance. Airlines can use this information as evidence to push the airport to improve the airport conditions. Airlines can also set a standard with 3rd party contractors on when certain processes, like water and lavs, need to occur. If these standards are not met, the airline can hold the contractor accountable even without an actual delay occurring.

  • ClearPort Easy Implementation – In-House Subject Matter Expertise
    In this section you will Learn about the easy integration process of ClearPort which requires minimal involvement of the IT team, and the data that is needed to power the software.  You will see how easy it is to integrate ClearPort into any operations and for the flight crew and everyone in an airline’s team to start using the App – with minimal airline IT support needed.

    As you will see by using FLYHT’s state-of-the-art on-board AFIRS Edge device, an airline will receive all the information it needs to manage turns and improve processes. By integrating with the reservation system ClearPort can automate most above wing timestamps allowing airlines to see all boarding processes in real time. FLYHT can also leverage the ACARS messages an airline is collecting — ClearPort will allow you to view all above wing and limited below wing milestones.  Coupled with the reservation system integration this will give an in-depth view of the turn processes.

  • ClearPort Demo: The Turn Process and Detailed View for a Typical Flight
    Finally, get a chance to see the ClearPort App in action with a demo. By tapping into historical data for all turns, not just turns with delays, the App can capture all processes of each turn and provide an airline’s team with the beacon to be able to make informed and evidence-backed decisions and improvements to improve On-Time Performance and Turn Performance.  You will see how ClearPort can provide answers and help everyone in the organization understand the quality of turn processes. Join FLYHT as they walkthrough the milestones of a typical turn and how real-time alerting allows airlines to solve problems before they turn into costs.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here

Real-time Flight Path Optimizer and Turbulence Avoidance Solution Demo Webinar [Real-Time Data for Flight Efficiency; 5% Fuel and CO2 Savings; Norwegian & Volotea Real Flight Data; Uses Existing Aircraft Tech – ACARS, FMS, EFB, Cockpit Printer; more]

*This Webinar is for airlines and operators only.

Register to view this On-Demand Webinar (recorded 4th May 2023) to see the latest advances in automated real-time cockpit flight efficiency, with a demo and overview of the popular ClearPath solution from AVTECH – the real-time flight path / profile optimization tool.  During the Webinar, the AVTECH team will walk you through the tool for a typical flight, as well as showcasing the new features which additionally notify the pilots about weather hazards along the route, such as significant turbulence and temperature exceedances, and proposes the cost-optimal flight path to avoid them. As you see ClearPath uses existing aircraft on-board technology and data link technology, such as ACARS, FMC, Cockpit Printer, EFB solution, etc., so requires no additional investments and is easy to get started, making it accessible for all airlines and operators worldwide including those with mixed fleets and on-board technology.  You will see, via the solution demos and overview, and through real-world airline case studies from Norwegian and Volotea, how the real-time flight profile data is delivered to the flight deck via an EFB device, or simply via the cockpit printer providing pilots with the information they need to optimize in-flight step climb/descent for the greatest efficiency gains, based on the airline’s selected cost index, actual performance data and the current weather and atmospheric conditions.  You will see how the tool enhances an airline’s operations, reduces fuel consumption, lowers CO2 emissions, and improves overall flight efficiency by up to 5% for each flight.

During the Webinar you will also learn about AVTECHs innovative Aventus service that provides precise wind and temperature data to the aircraft flight computer for improved performance during climb, cruise, and descent. Finally, you will see how all of AVTECH’s services use global high-resolution weather provided by the Met Office, and how the weather data used in each computation is unique and tailored for each flight.  You will see how through patented algorithms, AVTECH retrieves this data in real-time to guarantee that the latest and most accurate weather information is always used for the most accurate flight optimizations.

The Webinar is divided into 5 key sections:

  1. ClearPath Demo and Overview: Real-Time Flight Path / Profile Optimization
    First, you will see a full demo and overview of ClearPath.  You will see how the solution combines real-time flight data (weight, used cost index, flight plan, active FMS route, etc.) with a sophisticated ground-based service that uses next-gen algorithms linked directly to the industry’s leading high-resolution global weather model, to provide pilots with an easy-to-read report (via their EFB, or printer or display) providing decision support for selecting the most optimal flight level in all stages of flight to save fuel, CO2 emissions and time.

  2. ClearPath – Latest Innovations: En-Route Weather Hazard Alerts for Turbulence and Temperatures
    Next, you will learn about the latest ClearPath developments with the new hazard feature which additionally notifies the pilots about weather hazards along the route, such as significant turbulence and temperature exceedances, and proposes the cost-optimal flight path to avoid them. This is the number one requested new feature from ClearPath users worldwide: it further optimizes the flight efficiency, and lets the pilots ensure a smooth and safe journey for aircraft and passengers.

  3. ClearPath Airline Case Studies: Norwegian and Volotea
    Next, AVTECH experts will share analyses, data, and experiences from implementations of ClearPath on both Airbus and Boeing aircraft with case studies from Volotea and Norwegian.  You will see how the airlines are optimizing each flight and generating up to 5% of fuel and CO2 savings.  The data and analyses show where the most savings can be realized at particular sectors in each flight.  Examples you will see include a 787 trans-Atlantic flight showing how ClearPath was able to direct the pilots to change altitude to take maximum advantage of beneficial jet stream winds over Europe and save 1.7% of cruise fuel during that sector.

  4. Aventus Overview and Benefits: Real-Time Automated Optimized Wind and Temperature Data Uplink
    Next you will see a demo and overview of Aventus which up-links precise wind and temperature data to the aircraft to improve FMC calculations during climb, cruise and descent. As you will see, Aventus calculates the optimal wind levels to be inserted to best represent the current climb, cruise and descent wind profile for each flight for optimum efficiency and significant fuel saving. The up-links can be sent directly to the FMC or as a text message to the cockpit.  Aventus utilizes the most accurate high-resolution weather forecasts from the UK Met Office combined with AVTECH’s patented algorithms to calculate optimum wind levels.

  5. UK Met-Office Global High-Resolution Weather Data
    Finally, you will see how all AVTECH’s services use global high-resolution weather provided by UK Met Office, and how the weather data used in each computation is unique and tailored for each flight. You will see how AVTECH retrieves this data in real-time to guarantee that the latest and most up to date weather is always used, ensuring the best flight optimizations in-flight. As you will see, the weather data derived from Met Office’s High-Resolution model has an unmatched accuracy and reduces the error between actual and forecast winds to a minimum.

About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:

Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.

The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.

Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of Flight Operations software demonstrations from the World’s leading Flight Operations IT Vendors.

For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here