This module provides all the basic requirements for controlling and maintaining technical information about your aircraft.
Options are used to input A/C Actual Flights, to close Flights, input A/C Approach Surveys, Load Flights From Flight OPS, A/C Initial P/N Loads, A/C Initial Template Load, A/C P/N Transactions, A/C Registration Changes, Defect Report entry, P/N Control Authorization, P/N Assembly Installation and Removal information.
A/C Installed Component Prints can be produced, along with A/C Logs and P/N Transactions. Defect Report Prints provide information about aircraft history and current status. Queries are available for all technical information.
Aircraft configuration can be entered to allow complete control of allowed components to be installed onto the aircraft in the correct positions. Individual aircraft effectivity can be entered to allow for different positions on sister-ships. Visual representations of missing parts according to the configuration makes the maintenance of aircraft records easier.
Templates can be used to create new aircraft in the system during fleet expansion. This allows for quick entry of aircraft, including components and engineering effectivity, followed by verification to ensure correct information.
Information from this module can be fed through to the Planning module for scheduling and creation of non-routine items to clear deferred defects on the aircraft. The Aircraft Maintenance Controller provides an up-to-date view of the operational status of the aircraft, including the capability to show ACARS Fault Codes directly from the aircraft.
Example Screen 1 – Aircraft Explorer
Example Screen 2 – Damage Chart Query (Dent Mapping)