Engineering information can be recorded and maintained within the system. Items such as Manufacturers’ AD’s and SB’s can be tracked, along with their individual effectivity and schedules. The work steps required to carry out these requirements (Task Cards) can be entered into the system, and associated documentation and requirements can be maintained with the original information. Scanning can be used to assist in the work process.

Aircraft and component requirements can be entered, with the capability to override individual tail numbers or serial numbers for their own unique effectivity. Authorization can be tracked to ensure items are correctly recognised by the company before authorization is allowed to be accomplished on components or aircraft. Full Revision Control tracks changes within the requirement.

Information from the Engineering module is used in many other areas of the system. The Planning module is very much dependent on information from the Engineering Controls. Reports and queries can easily be produced to survey the engineering information stored in the system. Reports regarding compliance and cost are readily available for aviation authorities and management. Information from Engineering is fed through to the Production system, for calculating ground times for inspections and creating work packs for aircraft.

Note: Engineering Controls (E/C or also known as E/O) and Task Cards are the main functionality for this section.

Manufacturers’ Electronic Data can be loaded and viewed/printed within the application (e.g. AMM, IPC etc from SGML data). MM attachments for Task cards can be printed automatically along with a check package. 

Engineering Controls
Engineering Controls (E/C) are where all the component and aircraft requirements are entered.

Example Screen – Engineering Control Schedule Tab

Task Cards
Task Cards (or Work/Job Instruction Cards) are used to enter all the information required to carry out work on a component or aircraft.

Additional information that is linked to the Task Card provides benefits, such as pre-loading part lists, effectivity, documentation requirements (maintenance manuals and other documents), work zones, panels needing removal, and the individual steps required to carry out the task by trade. Digital documentation can be printed along with the Task Cards.

Manpower requirements are entered into the Task Cards and then used by the Production system and the Planning module to forecast capacity and to allow reservation of labor workforce against the work that needs to be carried out.

Task Card authoring allows for the integrated use of AMM or other digital documentation within the Task Card itself (e.g. tasks can be created solely of AMM references which are updated automatically in line with the AMM revision process).

Example Screen – Task Card