Smart BRIEF CABIN provides cabin crews with all flight, service delivery, crew scheduling, roster and pairing information centralized in one easy-to-access, web-based portal, tailored to the schedule of each individual employee. The crew member is provided with a complete set of information, including operational bulletins, as well as flight-specific information such as:
- Crew Scheduling and Branch messages and bulletins, crew lists, pairing details
- Complete service delivery sequences, landing documentation
- Flight planned route and weather information
- All required forms related to the aircraft (PAX count, etc.)
- Special attention passenger information
- Weather, hotel and transportation information at destination

All the necessary information is available within a single click. Static in-flight documents (such as emergency equipment checklists, positions forms etc.), critical communications and documentation are also incorporated into the system. S4A Smart BRIEF CABIN interfaces with flight operations, crew scheduling, reservation and catering systems, so there is no need to use external systems.
Smart BRIEF CABIN and Smart CREW INFO with mobile version (available on iPhones, iPads and Android phones) of it received three prestigious awards:
- Mercurys Award at the International Travel and Catering Association’s annual trade show in Processes and Systems category. This category is for the entry of Information Systems or other processes that improve efficiency, quality and customer satisfaction.
- Best Technical Innovation for airline on AGIFORS meeting of the Crew Management Study group in Dubai.
- Winner of the Flightglobal Webbies 2011 – in the Best Mobile App category

Key Features:
- Quality briefing information (flight information, passenger details, meals, entertainment, service sequence and many more)
- Excellent configuration options for briefing package
- Mobile extension available for your smartphone
- Close integration with other Smart4Aviation products
- Quick and easy to use
- Detailed event history
- Customizable alerting rules, access levels, and workloads
- Secure internet access from any web terminal