Simpfly Ops Manuals Authoring for AOC Application (A4A™) is a complementary part of our EFB Omni™ solution for startup operators.
To get your airline on-board of our solution, Simpfly will first of all assist you to have your Operations documentation EFB-ready and in accordance with your local CAA regulation, as well as IOSA standards.
For startup operators, we further provide an authoring support by preparing your Operations documentation from scratch for a successful AOC application, including your:
- Operations Manual (OM)
- Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
- Cabin Crew Manual (CCM)
Get our white paper for detailed information on how (and how much) you will be able to save after adopting our EFB Omni™ solution, including Ops Manuals A4A™.