Sign up to view this Webinar recording for a live demonstration of the hugely popular Flygprestanda FOCS (Flight Operations Control System) operations suite. FOCS is a modern, feature packed system available for advanced Flight Planning and Flight Scheduling – you will see how a powerful modular Flight Planning system can bring company wide benefits to airlines and aircraft operators by providing superior control and support of their daily operations.
The live demo will show you: real-time Flight Preparation, Full overview Scheduling, Automatic Route Scheduling, Tripkits & Driftdown, Weather & NOTAM, Crew Web Portal, plus more.
Full Webinar Details:
Flygprestanda has been a provider of operational solutions since 1969 and was created by three major airlines in Scandinavia. They have extensive knowledge in the areas of performance calculations, Airport Analysis, Mass & Balance, Flight planning, Airport Data etc.
In this Webinar session you will be introduced to to FOCS which is the brand new suite for integrated operational control of performance, Flight planning and M & B calculations.
FOCS is the most modern solution for Flight planning on the market, boasting advanced Flight planning functionality, unmatched route optimization within seconds for any route, terrain profile of your flight with driftdown calculations and document handling for each flight among other things, all using a top-modern user interface.
You will see that FOCS has the potential to not only save your operations time but it will also improve the efficiency of your airline.
Webinar agenda:
- FOCS introduction
- The scheduling view
- Creating a flight
- Planning of a flight
- Crewportal
- Q & A
Register for this Webinar recording today and learn the full benefits of modern, sophisticated Fight Planning and Scheduling System.
About the Aircraft IT Webinar Series:
Every 2 weeks the Aircraft IT website hosts a different live Webinar, each Webinar hosted by a different IT Vendor. These sessions represent the perfect opportunity to learn about a software solution in a more informal manner and to quickly gain an in-depth knowledge of all the major systems on the market, all from the comfort of your own office or home with no sales pressure.
The IT vendor provides a live software demonstration/masterclass of their solution and explains how it can benefit airlines, MROs, Operators, OEMs, Leasing Companies. Once logged on, online delegates can ask questions via the interactive sections of the Webinar or simply sit back and watch and listen to the demonstration. There are two sessions during the day, each differently times to accommodate all time zones.
Each Webinar session is recorded, and an On-Demand version is then posted back to the Aircraft IT website a few days after the live session to allow you to view the content again with your colleagues. The library of On-Demand Webinar recordings provides an invaluable reference source of MRO software demonstrations from the World’s leading MRO IT Vendors.
For a full list of upcoming Webinars Click Here
For a full list of On-Demand Webinar sessions Click Here