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Veryon’s ENVISION software manages Airworthiness, Maintenance, and Flight Operations activities for aircraft operators and maintainers in over 50 countries. It consists of 10 modules and 3 apps that can be adopted as needed to suite your business model. The web-based solution is accessible via a laptop or tablet device, and can be hosted either on-premise or in the cloud.

With over 35 years of experience, 150 customers worldwide, and a combined user fleet of 2,000 fixed and rotary wing aircraft, ENVISION and its mobile apps combine intuitive user-interfaces with streamlined workflows to help your teams work faster and more effectively.

The time saved on day-to-day tasks coupled with efficiencies gained from intelligent planning and analytics, allow you to increase profitability across your operations.

Modules and apps can be adopted individually or as part of an integrated solution. They include: Fleet Management, Technical Publications, Base & Line MRO, Component MRO, Inventory Management, Operations Control, Crew Management, Human Resources, Finance & Accounting, and Quality & Safety.

Visit our website for more information