The AMOS production module includes all functionalities to successfully manage trouble shooting, the actual execution of Line and Base Maintenance as well to ensure a smooth handover of workpackages from the Maintenance Planning to the Production Department.
Besides the traditional way to transfer the planned tasks from the proceeding departments to the production on paper (implying the manual editing), AMOS offers two more advanced approaches which both include – if desired – a fully electronic transmission:
- Firstly, time capturing can be electronically documented via barcode which allows to record the performed work in real time and supersedes manual time tracking
- Secondly, the most efficient process, which is based on a template that automatically displays action and progress

The programs “Work Time Tracking” and “Work Time Progress” do not only help the AMOS users to monitor each task with regard to time spent and progress but also to forecast maintenance tasks even more accurately and reliably in the future. Additionally, always depending on the applied processes, technicians can directly book labels for the traceability of installed and removed rotables or issue pickslips to request parts from the stores.
AMOS also offers an electronic signature solution, a convenient approach for a fast and secure paperless process. As e-signature has been smoothly integrated into all AMOS modules, users in execution departments are also in the position to electronically edit or close workorders and store them as PDF/A. With the help of an internal or external e-signature solution, Swiss-AS offers the possibility to streamline business processes and make them more time efficient while relying on best industry practices.