We analyze airlines’ flight data to provide the most precise aircraft performance and optimize fuel consumption.
Our passion, your savings
We believe that by analyzing airlines’ flight data we can make aviation more efficient than ever before. Each airline deserves solid fuel efficiency program. With specialized software they can now both save fuel and save the planet by reducing CO2 emissions!
Together we make aviation sustainable
Using StorkJet solutions airlines monitor precisely aircraft performance and reveal true saving potential across 44 fuel initiatives. With intuitive feedback, they encourage pilots to be more eco-friendly. The process is easy, quick and fully automatic. Please check out our success stories here.

Enjoy best fuel efficiency software, reduce up to 4% of your fuel cost
Find real saving opportunities within 44 fuel initiatives and engage pilots to fly more eco-friendly.
To read more about our products and to request a demo please visit our website.

Make aircraft performance easy.
Explore new savings.
AdvancedAPM provides up to date performance factors for accurate fuel planning. The process is fully automatic and works for all aircraft types.
To read more about our products and to request a demo please visit our website.
Start saving today!
All of the airlines we work with received return on investment during first months of using StorkJet solutions. Want to know more?