About Cabin Survey Mobile App

Mobile app highlights

  • Use any smartphone to quickly record cabin damage in seconds
  • Simple and intuitive using the mobile camera
  • App works online or offline
  • Automatic cloud server synchronisation
  • Active Directory compliant
  • Unlimited Users
  • Monthly per tail pricing – no setup costs

Cabin Survey is a mobile app to quickly create damage reports for aircraft interiors.Cabin Survay mobile app

The app is designed to be very simple to use so that cabin crew with little or no training can make a damage report in 30 seconds or less. The app can be used either online or offline with synchronisation to the cabin survey cloud servers whenever an internet connection is present.

Cabin Survay mobile app

Cabin Survey web application

Add and manage damage reports

The cabin interior team can monitor and manage the damage reports via a simple to use web application which runs in any browser. The web application display shows graphically the damage map for an individual aircraft or for a fleet.

  • Add and manage existing reports
  • Control and track Workorder status
  • Track damage hotspots
Cabin Survay web app

Manage cabin configurations

Cabin configurations can be easily managed by assigning a configuration created with the LOPA editor to aircraft. A full history of configurations over time can be tracked.

Manage cabin configurations

Create your own LOPA templates and subviews

Creating location maps for use in the mobile and web applications is really simple to do. In the web application you can simply upload any image and map it out using our very simple tool. These images can be LOPA diagrams, images from your CMM or even photos. Sub templates can be created so that drilling down into the detail of an item is possible.

LOPA subviews in Cabin Survey
LOPA template in Cabin Survey
LOPA templates in Cabin Survey on a mobile device

MROdoc Module

MROdoc is a mobile based intelligent document browser which fully integrates with Cabin Survey. Engineers and cabin attendants can complete damage reports that include CMM/IPC references and CMM/IPC page attachments at the aircraft.

Page suggestions based on damage information

MROdoc search

Information entered into Cabin Survey is used to suggest pages in MROdoc to assist with assessment. CMM/IPC References and page copies are easily attached to the Cabin Survey damage report.

Bookmark groups

MROdoc bookmarks

Bookmark groups are easily set up so predefined sets of pages can be retrieved. These bookmark groups are shareable across all devices running MROdoc in an organisation. An example could be a set of CMM pages always used when assessing galley damage.