The New Competitive Advantage

When your airline demands an automated flight and crew management system—choose SkedFlex, the full-featured, affordable, innovative, expertly supported US veteran-owned air operations suite designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With its scalable, cloud-based platform and optional modules, SkedFlex is the ideal choice for any airline.
Air Operations Suite

SkedFlex is a comprehensive Air Operations Suite of tools providing airlines and air operators the ability to schedule and manage crewmembers, flights, and aircraft in a flexible, efficient, and visual manner.
Coupled with its proprietary rules engines, SkedFlex helps ensure regulatory compliance under the Code of Federal Regulations parts 117, 121, 125, and 135, for flight, duty, and rest limitations. Additional company requirements may be incorporated, as may rule sets from regulatory authorities worldwide.
The SkedFlex map below details the core components, additional modules, and suite-wide features that together make SkedFlex the air operations suite of choice.

Crew Management

SkedFlex crew management features and benefits include:
- Crew tracking of flight, duty, and rest limitations including parts 117, 121 (flight attendants), 121 (supplemental), 125, and 135 scheduled and non-scheduled rule sets governed by the Code of Federal Regulations. The rule sets from other regulatory authorities worldwide are incorporated as needed.
- Mobile device access allows users to manage and improve schedules anywhere, anytime, along with check-in functions and flight log management.
- Reserve handling for long call reserves (LCR), short call reserves (SCR), and airport standby reserves (ASR).
- Notifications to crewmembers via SMS, email, or both. Highly customizable.
- Pilot logbook provides automatic tracking of all SkedFlex flights. Ability to add other commercial flying (OCF) and miscellaneous records included.
- Training and Vacation scheduling and tracking.
- Trip Trading with open time and extensive trade board for swapping, dropping and picking up trips and shifts from other crewmembers in the same category.
Clear and Accurate Crew Tracking
As the name implies, the heart of a crew management system (CMS) is crew tracking. SkedFlex provides feature-rich crew management:
- Flight, duty, and rest limitations.
- Visibility of an entire organization’s schedule, or single user for any desired time span.
- Extensive configuration options for choosing data relevant to the user’s responsibilities.
- Right-click menus with, drag and drop functionality, graphic overlays, highlighting, and editing all from within the same intuitive view.
- Exclusive “heated warnings” use color palettes to visually indicate approaching regulatory limits. Customizable buffers for fine-tuning alerts.
- Regulatory statistics display for information and compliance purposes.
- “Wheels-up indicator” advises latest takeoff time on the last leg to arrive within duty period.
- Ability to view all alerts being tracked at once.
Crew Web and Mobile Interface
Convenient management of all crewmember functions is possible from any internet connected web browser or smart phone. Crew-facing pages include a graphical monthly Master Schedule for their entire category, Daily Flight Schedule, Trade Board, and several personal pages with the calendar, logbook, trades, and qualifications. And for routine daily flight operations, crewmembers have iOS and Android apps to choose from.
Reserve Management System
Reserve shifts are managed and tracked with ease on both Crew Schedule and Daily Schedule pages. Create reserves on the fly, with drag and drop, or from stored templates. SkedFlex supports all common reserve types, including Short Call Reserve (SCR), Long Call Reserve (LCR), Airport Standby Reserve (ASR), and more. SkedFlex even allows for the creation of custom reserve types. Reserve shifts roll up on the Daily Schedule page by position allowing for easy editing and flight assignment.
Consistent and Customizable Notification System
Crewmembers always know what the next day has in store with SkedFlex. Daily reminders of the next day’s schedule are delivered the preceding day via email and mobile phone, including any recent or on-demand changes. A popular feature that keeps everyone in the scheduling loop while guarding against inadvertent no-shows.
Fully Integrated Pilot Logbook
The Pilot Logbook automatically records all SkedFlex flights and allows pilots the ability to view their flying records and manage their own aircraft. Pilots can also enter other commercial flying (OCF) data in the logbook for inclusion in cumulative regulatory limits.
The pilot logbook distinguishes company from OCF flights by shading those flights with a green background. Pilots can also use the logbook to track different statistical totals for any period of time and equipment group.
Vacation and Training – Tracking made Easy
Automated vacation and training tracking monitors for specific shift types and schedule codes and plots them on the Vacation & Training page. In a single view, the summary of an organization’s vacation and training status is readily available in an easily comprehensible graphical format.
Top-Notch Trip and Shift Trades
Trip trading helps crewmembers achieve desirable schedules and contributes enormously to both employee satisfaction and productivity. SkedFlex trip trading tips the scale in favor of a greater work-life balance, and revolutionizes control by empowering pilots and flight attendants to view, change, and manage their schedules – a win/win proposition that improves quality of life while reducing the costs associated with unexpected absences that can result when crewmembers don’t have the ability to change their schedule for personal or professional reasons.
Of course, managers may choose whatever level of oversight they desire: schedulers and administrators may retain the ability to accept or reject any trade request or allow them to proceed in automated fashion while keeping within company-established constraints. Further, users may post requests to the trade board, where other users who share their category can see them, or trade with a specific person who will see a notification at the top of the screen when they log in to SkedFlex. Trip and shift trading is an outstanding feature in SkedFlex and shares its roots with it’s sister product Crew Companion.
Operations Management

SkedFlex employs many features for the management of flights and aircraft, including:
- Flight schedule importing using the standard SSIM (Standard Schedules Information Manual from IATA) format to quickly populate monthly schedules with flight segments.
- Aircraft Tracking with Gantt view for all flight details. Choose from one to seven days in a single view.
- Flight and shift templates for quick creation and assignment of routine shifts, charters, and ad-hoc flights.
- Route building using named flight sequence routes that operate within a specified date range and on specific days for use in crew scheduling.
- Movement message interface to external systems to transmit all aircraft movements in real-time.
- Automated OOOI (OUT, OFF, ON, and IN) times captured from ACARS, TAMDAR, and AFIRS equipped aircraft.
- Complete flight log tracking for every flight, including passenger counts, cargo, fuel, times, etc.
Detailed and Efficient Aircraft Tracking
Flight management and daily flight pages provide clear and comprehensive display of all flights during the month and the location and status of aircraft in a Gantt view with real-time auto-updating. Extensive configuration options allow customization of the permissions-controlled display to create views and workflows most convenient to the user.
Color coded aircraft statuses and comments appear as background information for each aircraft, and include last location, flight to/from data, ground times and aircraft repositioning . Background coloration is used for individual flights to indicate future, in-flight, completed, unverified and verified flight segments.
Customizable Flight and Shift Templates
Templates are a convenient way to quickly incorporate complex data into the schedule. Flight and Shift Templates in SkedFlex may be created in advance for future use, or by saving ad-hoc flight(s) on the fly. On-demand operators can combine flight templates with route building (explained below) to streamline the building of the schedule each month. And once a flight is imported into the schedule from the template base, it is assignable just as if it had been imported via a SSIM file.
Shift templates are similar to flight templates except they apply to non-flight scheduled activities like reserve assignments, ground training, and work shifts for non-crewmembers. Shifts corresponding to the template are assignable immediately after creating and updating the template. Further, existing templates are editable without impacting the shifts already assigned to them. That way, even with changing parameters, the historical data for that shift is not lost.
Route Building
Route building is the process attaching separate flights into the sequences that make up a route. Schedulers can create custom flight routes for any combination of bases and equipment types. After selecting the flight parameters (days of operation, minimum crew, etc.) the route is stored for quick assignment on the Crew Schedule page.
Aircraft Movement Message Interface
The movement message interface provides SkedFlex information to any number of external systems as per customers’ requirements. Such information includes, but is not limited to: flight creation, deletion, cancellation, out, off, on, in, taxi-back, air return, diversion, ground reposition movements, and pertinent flight log information such as crew, passenger counts, cargo, fuel, weights, etc.
Additional parameters may be transmitted at customer request.
Flight Schedule Importer
SkedFlex interfaces with existing flight management systems to import all flights using the SSIM format, mitigating the need to manually create flights and routes. Multiple imports for the same equipment types and bases are permitted, allowing hypothetical scenarios to be analyzed before the schedule is finalized.
Automated OOOI times
SkedFlex automatically consumes OOOI (OUT, OFF, ON and IN) times from aircraft equipped with ACARS, TAMDAR, and AFIRS. Automatic incorporation of this data ensures accuracy and assists in timely tracking of regulatory limitations. And because these times are generally incorporated sooner than later via manual entry, recovery from the effects of delays and irregular operations can start sooner.
iOS and Android Apps
SkedFlex apps for iOS and Android are available for download from the App Store and Google Play free of charge to SkedFlex users. The apps provide convenient access to crewmembers for some commonly used functions in SkedFlex, including schedules, crewmember check-in, and flight log.
The flight log allows for the entry and verification of vital flight data, including OOOI times, passenger counts, fuel amounts, cargo, delay codes, irregular flight operations info and notes. Times may be entered offline during flight and synced upon arrival, along with syncing offline mail and schedule updates.
Additional Modules

SkedFlex offers optional modules that provide specific capabilities required by operators with more advanced requirements, allowing SkedFlex to be tailored to any size operation.
Crew Qualifications & Training Module
The SkedFlex Qualification and Training module automates flight crew training, currency and qualifications tracking.
The creation of an unlimited number of qualifications is supported, as is grouping qualifications together in containers as “master qualifications,” or a group of qualifications required for a duty position. For example, a master qualification might be “Boeing 737 captain,” under which all the associated requirements (ground school, medical certificate, line checks, etc.) are grouped. The master qualification serves as the indicator of overall qualification. Thus, if the Boeing 737 captain master qualification is “green,” then that pilot is current and qualified for that position.
Line Bidding
The SkedFlex Line Bidding Module allows crew schedulers to build lines for crewmember bidding, and allows crewmembers establish standing bid criteria and further modify their bids as they desire. After the bid window closes, schedulers evaluate the bid lines for each category ensuring seniority is properly respected and effect any necessary repairs before lines are published.
SkedPay is the definitive tool for ensuring pay accuracy and accountability. SkedPay can literally pay for itself in savings alone while eliminating friction and productivity sapping pay disputes between administrators and employees. And by automating the entire pay process, employees are freed to focus on productivity rather than paperwork.
Exporting pay data is easy as well because virtually any external system is supported for payroll processing.
Fleet Management Module
The SkedFlex Fleet Management module provides aircraft schedulers and maintenance personnel comprehensive tools to create and manage aircraft fleet schedules. The module consists of two major components: Aircraft Inspections Tracking and Fleet Schedule Management.
The module integrates inspection tracking to display comprehensive aircraft scheduling and maintenance information in one place. Alternate between day-of operations and long-range scheduling to manage the fleet. Swap aircraft as needed to improve utilization or recover from unplanned maintenance, routing, or weather events.
Airport Operations Management Module
Maintaining schedule integrity for arriving and departing flights requires the timely orchestration of sequential events. Running late on so much as a single event can delay an entire operation. Quick remediation of problems is the key to getting back on track when something goes wrong, and alerting and activating the right people at the earliest possible time is essential.
The Airport Operations Management module was developed to provide the command, control, reporting, and delay remediation functions necessary to ensure on-time airport arrival and departure operations.
A graphical listing of events across a Gantt-style interface readily displays event completion, delay, and remediation statuses. Real-time data collection, notification and alerting of event statuses means operations personnel on the local, regional, national, or global level are compelled to take action at the first sign of trouble.
Business Intelligence Module (powered by Sisense)
eTT Aviation has partnered with Sisense, a worldwide leader in business intelligence (BI), to integrate BI across the entire SkedFlex Air Operations Suite. The SkedFlex Business Intelligence module provides the tools to exponentially improve situational awareness and evaluation of data by joining multiple, disparate data sources and processing them using state of the art analytics engines. The SkedFlex BI module is so robust, scalable, and adaptable, that any number of complex reports is handled with unparalleled speed and minimal system impact.
eTT Aviation has also innovated an “Intelligence Marketplace” which is a private community where SkedFlex customers browse for free BI reports and buy reports other airlines have created. And when a customer chooses to create a new report, a substantial portion of the proceeds goes back to that customer to recoup the development time and effort.
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Suite-Wide Feature

100% Web Based SaaS – Rules Engine – QA/Testing Environment
SkedFlex is Software as a Service, so it is centrally hosted without the need for on-site installation or maintenance. It’s comprehensive rules engine keeps operators in compliance with applicable rules and regulations. And it’s quality assurance and testing environment allows operators to experiment freely outside the production environment.