Bytron were amongst the first to market an EFB solution way back in 2007 when others were still doubting the benefits of removing paper from the flight deck and the latest version of the skybook EFB is every bit as effective today when it comes to streamlining flight deck workloads.

Engineered to be user friendly, the skybook EFB ensures that crew briefing takes place quickly and efficiently wherever the crew may be at the time, with heavy emphasis on anything that could directly impact on the sector being flown.
Flexible by design, the skybook EFB app can be configured to match flightdeck workflows and processes in order to maximise efficiencies and savings and further functionality can be added by integrating with other applications to improve access to other information during a flight and also improve the sharing of actual data between operating platforms.
Available as a stand-alone application, as part of the powerful skybook flight management system, the Electronic Flight Bag has been developed using over 35 years of aviation experience and most importantly, in conjunction with those who need it the most – pilots.
Implementing the skybook EFB will give your aircrews access to the following:
- Interactive crew briefings designed in conjunction with pilots
- Up to the minute METAR, TAF and NOTAM information for airports and FIRs
- The ability to refresh briefing packs to get the latest OFP, weather and NOTAMs
- Active alerts across weather and NOTAM to improve situational awareness
- Ability to work both on and off line and still perform key tasks
- Ability to operate in both day and night modes
- Receive updates from Dispatch via instant messaging
- Seamless data capture within the Journey Log tailored to each operator
- Integration with other flight deck applications for seamless data sharing
- Create bespoke data capture forms and reporting through the Form Builder
- Share updates and reports with the ground in real time – no more waiting
- The skybook EFB is available for iOS and Windows platforms.
Developed entirely in house, the skybook EFB application can be tailored to meet the needs of each operator. Modular by design, operators can choose to take the full platform or simply subscribe to the Digital Briefing or Journey Logging modules individually and can also use it as a standalone app or as part of the wider skybook suite.
For more information on the skybook EFB or to arrange a free trial visit
The skybook EFB application leads the way when it comes to flexibility.
It can be configured to meet the needs of each operator, tailored in order to mirror existing workflows and also streamlined in order to remove any functions or modules that are simply not required.
It can also be integrated fully with a wide range of third party applications in order to import data that may be needed in the crew briefing or journey log, share data with other applications during the flight or even return completed information to other operations platforms post flight to remove the need for onward inputting and deliver further times savings.