Save, Safe and Comfort – Accurate weather matters for Aviation
AVTECH’s services increases FMS optimization and utilization. The company has a unique cooperation with Met Office (UK), one of the only two authorized World Area Forecast Centres for aviation weather. Read more about our services and our pilot app proFLIGHT who visualize and present all flight related weather information.
We bring the Right Information at the Right Time to the Right Person.
AVTECH is a Swedish innovations company and one of the leaders in the global development of Performance-based Operations (PBO). AVTECH’s services increases FMS optimization and utilization and the company has a unique cooperation with Met Office (UK), one of the only two authorized World Area Forecast Centres for aviation weather. Met Office has developed a weather forecast model, High-Resolution Weather (HRW) which leaves the standard ICAO weather data far behind in terms of accuracy. This means that AVTECH has exclusive access to the world’s most accurate weather model on the market.

reduces fuel consumption by supplying the on-board flight computer with up-to-date meteorological information. This service derives wind and temperature information from Met Office, process this information to fit any individual flight and then transmits the information to the correct aircraft. The weather data, the most accurate available in the world, and AVTECH’s patented algorithms allows for exceptional results when it comes to wind up-linking. We are proud to say that we have the best wind uplink service in the world, resulting in fuel being saved, a remarkable time accuracy for the aircraft and with one of the simplest installations on the market.

is designed for airlines that have ACARS but that is not fully automated. The pilot receives the same high-quality information as from Aventus NowCast but enters the weather data manually. Our customer indicates a very good result and as the pilots experience a better airplane performance, the willingness to utilize the service has been extremely high.

is just at the beginning of an almost unlimited potential. Having access to MET Office complete weather data, we combine wind, temperature and turbulence in one complete system. It is a high-quality tool that very adequately presents weather hazards (such as Icing, Turbulence, Volcanic ash, etc) to your aircraft, is a real-time weather alerting system which communicates through ACARS and assures your company’s aircraft are notified to new meteorological hazards related to the actual route in the FMS. SIGMA focuses on applying only the parts of hazardous weather which affect your flight and alerts are related to points in your flight plan (instead of LAT/LONG).
Safer flight, reduced fuel burn and lower emissions.
Combining AVTECH’s premium services Aventus NowCast and SIGMA results in a unique decision support tool for professional pilots. Using the tailored weather information and flight path optimization leads to a safer flight both for passengers and crew and reduces the fuel burn and emissions.

All flight related weather information presented and visualized in a single place. Powered by the Met Office 10K Resolution Global Weather model proFlight can improve the safety and comfort of passengers and crew. The forecast is tailored to the flight ́s trajectory and time. Turbulence can be avoided or reduced. If turbulence is encountered, the crew will have the best information possible for the climb/descent decision. If you would like to know more about the proFLIGHT™ application, sign up for a free trial.
AVTECHs latest product is the In-flight Cruise Profile Optimizer who was released fall 2019.
The Optimizer provides pilots with vertical flight path optimization in-flight, resulting in significant fuel and time savings per flight. The unique API providing 10K data from the Met Office in combination with AVTECH’s advanced algorithms and computing power results in a 4-dimensional trajectory (latitude, longitude, altitude and time) divided into cubes of only 10 km horizontally, which reduces up to 50% of the normal wind forecast error.
The solution utilizes existing aircraft hardware and data communications (ACARS, ARINC, FMS, etc.), requiring no new hardware, software or aircraft modifications investment and delivers the key profile data to the pilots in the flight deck via an EFB device or simply via the cockpit printer or display. For more information about the optimizer please view our webinar here at AircraftIT:
To read more about our products and to download product sheets please visit our website.