RAAS includes many automated notifications and reports delivery features intended to reduce repetitive query functions for RAAS end-users and simultaneously increase the level of data intelligence distributed throughout the enterprise.
- Outstanding Job Report Email: Email reporting utility that will auto-generate and email-deliver pre-defined Outstanding Job Reports. The Outstanding Job Report is a highly configurable reporting feature that can serve many purposes including duelist, outstanding defect report or even fleet status. This feature allows users to create pre-defined report templates and schedule them for repeated delivery to a set of recipients.
- Maintenance Forecast Report Email: Email reporting utility that will auto-generate and email-deliver pre-defined Maintenance Forecast Reports. The Maintenance Forecast Report is a highly configurable forecasting reporting feature that can produce short or long-term forecasts against things like aircraft, inventories, ground equipment or even a selection of PNs across the entire company (multi-aircraft, on- and off-wing). This feature allows users to create pre-defined report templates and schedule them for repeated delivery to a set of recipients.
- Job Priority Notification: Email alert sent to subscribers when certain types of jobs or defects are raised. Typically used to alert of MEL and defect item creation.
- Defect Alert Level: Email notifications of defect alert level exceedance relative to defect alert levels set per ATA chapter per aircraft.
- Unscheduled Removal Report: Auto-generated and email-sends reports of unscheduled component removals where the rate of removal has exceeded the removal alert threshold defined for a given component type.
- Production Part Request Notification: Email-notifies Material Management personnel when production material requests are raised. The production personnel raising the material request is given the option to associate an email notification to the request, or not.
- Stock Received: Email-notifies subscribers of stock received (highly configurable to the Order or Material Type level)
- Job Card Base of Maintenance Change: Email-notifies subscribers if part material requests exist for an aircraft at base “x” while the base of operation for the aircraft has been changed to base “y”.
- Warranty Removal Notification: Email-notifies of components being removed that have warranty remaining.
- Shelf Expired Items Report: Auto-emails subscribers report information detailing shelf stock approaching expiration.
- Removal for Core Return Use: Email-notifies if a component part has been removed where the component in question can be used to satisfy an outstanding core return requirement.
- Consignment Stock Taken: Email alerts when consignment or third-party-owned stock is consumed.
- Outstanding Order Items: Email-sends the Outstanding Order Items report to subscribers. Order types are Purchase, Repair, Warranty, Exchange-In, Exchange-Out and Sales.
- Part Transfer: Email-notifies Material Management personnel that stock has been shipped to them from another internal stock location.
- Receiving Report: Daily report email sent to Finance/AP detailing stock received to help facilitate invoice matching. This notification report would not be required if the RAAS Invoice Matching modules were deployed and in use.
- Part Number Creation: Alerts of new PNs created to allow Quality and Technical follow-up.
- Automated Time Update Alert: Support email notification to alert if a problem occurs with automated/background airframe time update processing.
- Compass Card Monitoring: Email alerts triggered by compass reading deviations exceeding a configurable threshold.
- Removal for Pending Return Order: Email notifications are sent when a part added to a return order has been removed from an aircraft.
- Limit Trigger Change: Email notifications sent when a part number constraint having a trigger is modified, particularly important for cascading triggers.
- Operations System Data Exchange: Email notifications sent by events in 3rd party integrations.
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