Aerros provides airlines with a simplified, yet effective way to manage all vendor and vendor location data.

“Edit Track” main dialogue
Users have the flexibility to add as many tracks as needed. Furthermore, Aerros supports permanent, mod, overflow, and internal, tracks. Each offer different scheduling priorities and methodologies.
Aerros also enables users to add and track non-maintenance time to the start or end of an event with vendor non-maintenance defaults. Whether the non-maintenance time is for ferry flights or swap-outs, Aerros enables users to set the non-maintenance hours so that airline will know the realistic out of service time and return to service time for each aircraft maintenance event.

Track allocations menu
The Track Allocation function allows users to input multiple date ranges for when tracks are open or closed, including assigning labor hours per day for each period. Thus, users can close tracks for the summer or set fluctuating labor hours per day to better reflect labor availability.