Your Challenges …
The “Number One” priority for every aircraft maintenance organization is, and will always be, “to keep the aircraft flying safely”.
However, a critical balance must be struck between safety and profitability. Maintenance costs represent a significant proportion of a carrier’s operating budget, leading airlines to look for new ways to increase overall efficiency within their maintenance organizations. Among many challenges, the most critical are to:
- Improve performance of maintenance operations through shorter turnaround times,
- Reduce overall maintenance costs through No Fault Found and associated inflated inventories,
- Increase aircraft utilization through optimized maintenance processes,
- Minimize flight delays and service disruptions, and
- Address increasing regulatory requirements from Aviation authorities.
Many companies still rely on legacy systems to meet these challenges, but require user friendly features inherent in open systems such as process integration, mobile accessibility and decision support tools.
… Our Solution
The WebPMI™ system from AeroSoft is a configurable software package, uniquely designed to meet the needs of airline maintenance organizations.
WebPMI™ is a single integrated system that covers all aircraft maintenance and engineering (M&E) functional requirements. It ensures real-time and total control of the maintenance environment. It optimizes daily operations and compliments managerial decisions, resulting in significant cost savings and improvement in overall performance. Existing customers have reported increases in productivity of up to 20%.
WebPMI™ is composed of seven integrated modules, providing comprehensive functionalities in:
- Inventory Management,
- Purchasing,
- Technical Records,
- Production Planning,
- Production Control,
- Quality Control,
- Engineering,
- Orders Management, and
- Reliability Reporting
Through the integration of these modules into a single solution, PMI ensures complete control of day-to-day maintenance operations and addresses all maintenance requirements. WebPMI’s™ industry experience and concise process methodology guarantees quick and smooth implementation.
Why WebPMI™Our philosophy has been to further advance PMI™ by making it Web-deployed and bring in new value adding applications.
The result is the launch of WebPMI™.
The WebPMI™ solution is a WEB browser implementation of the WinPMI™ M&E application over a corporate intranet or secure Internet. It can be hosted by an Application Services Provider (ASP) or as an in-house installation.
WebPMI™ is a versatile and highly functional M&E software system providing advanced operational support for airline and third party maintenance organizations. WebPMI™ makes extensive use of technologies such as bar-coding, imaging, and wireless terminals as a means of streamlining business processes and improving employee productivity.
WebPMI™ is a robust, time-tested system, perfected over 100 person-years of work and 35 implementations in national and international scheduled service airlines, M&E shops, and MRO shops worldwide.
WebPMI™ can be totally integrated with your financial and flight operations systems. It seamlessly connects diverse functions improving efficiency and providing time and cost savings.
The multi-platform WebPMI™ client-server application is adaptable to any environment – all with an easy-to-use Web interface.
WebPMI™ is configurable for any of MS Server/MS SQL, Linux/Oracle, or iSeries/DB2 platforms and priced to fit the type and size of your fleet.

Benefits of a WebPMI™ Implementation
Overall Improvement in Productivity
The WebPMI™ system provides leading functionality to improve performance and service levels. WebPMI™ customers generally experience a 15 – 20% overall improvement in productivity.
Cost Savings
The WebPMI™ system generates significant cost savings opportunities across various departments. Amongst other examples, you may achieve savings of 10 – 12% of the value of purchased items under warranty due to accurate claim information.
Best Practices and Customization
The WebPMI™ system will provide you with M&E industry “best practices” and processes. Developed as a pre-configured system, it is based on business processes that constitute industry accepted standards. However, the software allows tailoring and replication of customer specific business rules through a series of system switches.
The WebPMI™ solution provides your management with a world-class application to improve management visibility and real time data access supporting an efficient decision making process. It empowers maintenance managers to monitor and control the entire M & E environment and take prompt corrective actions.
WebPMI™ will make the interaction with the local government regulatory agencies easier, such as F.A.A., E.A.S.A., and T.C., etc. by making compliance and airworthiness information immediately available upon request.
Extend WebPMI™ to a Global Solution
Make WebPMI™ the core of your global solution by connecting to additional value adding applications such as:
- Maintenance Manuals along with the airline’s locally created maintenance program jobcard
- DigiREPORTS™, a comprehensive, full- featured WEB-based Reporting application,
- DigiDOC™, a state of the art digital document management solution,
- DigiPLAN™, a a Project, Resources and Services Management application.
Please refer to the respective Product Data Sheets to learn more about these additional solutions.
Technology Information
Deployment Platform
WebPMI™ is configurable for any of MS Server/MS SQL, Linux/Oracle, or iSeries/DB2 platforms.
Local Printing on the Fly …
WebPMI LPD is a software component which allows the application to print to any managed printer through the internet without end user intervention. This is accomplished without the use of Virtual Private Networks or other ‘network extending technologies’.
Interface with Finance
The ultimate goal of this application is to provide visibility of the cost of maintenance activities so that corrective actions can be taken to improve the financial accountability of the company by allowing 3-way matching of purchase orders, invoices and payments between WebPMI and the Financial System.
Interface with Flight Operations
WebPMI can and has been interfaced directly with the output of most Flight Operations packages through EFLIP. This avoids the error prone and manual double entry of times and cycles and provides Flight Operations with the up-to-date status of aircraft availability and maintenance due activities.