Ultramain Systems Goes Beyond The Cloud With Virgin Galactic

    01 Apr 2013


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April 2013

Ultramain Systems, Inc, based in Albuquerque New Mexico, announced today the signing of commercial space flight company Virgin Galactic for their full suite of ground based and airborne M&E software products. Virgin Galactic, targeted to be the first company to provide space flights for tourists, will operate Ultramain’s products in a completely paperless environment, a process that starts with the entry of the log book items on mobile devices. As a part of the deal, Virgin Galactic will operate the entire ULTRAMAIN® M&E/MRO product, including ActionGraphix™, ActionAnalytics™, Mobile Mechanic and Mobile Inventory, as well as Ultramain’s efbTechLogs™ and eCabin™ applications.
“Ultramain is excited to add Virgin Galactic to our growing list of iconic aviation customers. Delivering ULTRAMAIN v9 M&E software in conjunction with the onboard products will not only christen the world’s first paperless end-to-end (cockpit to ground-system) system for commercial space flight, it signals the first such application in commercial aviation as a whole,” said Ultramain President Mark McCausland. “Our attention to ease of use, attractive user interfaces and our ability to deliver the overall experience to Virgin Galactic, that is consistent with their offering, made our products a natural fit,” added Mr. McCausland.
Virgin Galactic plans to use the ULTRAMAIN v9 product for all aspects of air and space vehicle management including maintenance, planning, materials, reliability, and built-in reporting and analytical tools. On board the space ship, Ultramain’s eCabin product will become an active part of the Virgin Galactic customer experience.
“Ultramain has fully demonstrated to Virgin Galactic that they understand our business and operational needs, as well as our desire to deliver an exceptional experience to our passengers. Through our interactions with the Ultramain team, we believe that their solution will enhance our vision while attaining the primary goal of managing the complexities of our cutting edge airborne launch vehicles, space ships and support aircraft,” said Pedro Caballer, Virgin Galactic Space flight Systems Maintenance Manager. Virgin Galactic Senior Program Manager, Mark Butler, added “Virgin Galactic is also very pleased that such an innovative product as ULTRAMAIN could be sourced from New Mexico.”
About Ultramain Systems, Inc.
For more than 25 years, Ultramain Systems has provided superior M&E/MRO software products and professional software implementation services to leading aviation companies worldwide. Their flagship product, ULTRAMAIN®, is a comprehensive airline maintenance and logistics solution that has been refined and enriched through years of collaboration with Ultramain Systems’ customers. Their innovative product, efbTechLogs™, replaces aircraft paper flight logs with an easy-to-use, touch-screen interface that speeds communication between cockpit crews and ground maintenance crews.
Web-based, secure, and supporting the latest communications protocols, efbTechLogs enables faster turnaround times, so aircraft spend more time in the air and less time on the ground.
Ultramain Systems headquarters is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For more information about Ultramain Systems and their products, please visit www.ultramain.com, send an inquiry tosales@ultramain.com, or call 505.828.9000.
About Virgin Galactic
Virgin Galactic, owned by Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group and aabar Investments PJS, is on track to be the world’s first commercial spaceline. The new spaceship (SpaceShipTwo, VSS Enterprise) and carrier craft (WhiteKnightTwo, VMS Eve) have both been developed for Virgin Galactic by Mojave-based Scaled CompositesThe Spaceship Company, a new aerospace production company founded by Virgin Galactic and Scaled Composites, is building the fleet of vehicles for Virgin Galactic. Founded by Burt Rutan, Scaled developed SpaceShipOne, which in 2004 claimed the $10m Ansari X Prize as the world’s first privately developed manned spacecraft. Virgin Galactic’s new vehicles share much of the same basic design, but are being built to carry six customers, or the equivalent scientific research payload, on sub-orbital space flights, allowing an out-of-the-seat, zero-gravity experience and offering astounding views of the planet from the black sky of space for tourist astronauts and a unique microgravity platform for researchers. The VSS Enterprise and VMS Eve test flight program is well under way, leading to Virgin Galactic commercial operations, which will be based at Spaceport America in New Mexico.