Smart4Aviation for Mobiles!

    06 Aug 2012


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From today Smart4Aviation offers a mobile version of its website to ensure that you can access Smart4Aviation’s website from wherever you are mobile!

Goal is to provide the increasing number of mobile visitors (10%!) to our website with an interface that quickly leads them to the required information when browsing its content.

Smart4Aviation delivers mobile solutions to its customers such as phones, PDAs or tablets. Functionality is depending on the Airline’s requirements. A mobile version of a product can be either web-based or native iPhone, Blackberry, Android. Also notification-based solutions that forward sms, email or push notifications can be delivered.

Smart4Aviation’s mobile solutions are recognized as leading by the industry! Customers praise them! Recently the solutions were awarded by Flightglobal “Webbies” as Best Mobile App “Best Technical Innovation” by the AGIFORS crew management study group and won a prestigious “Mercury” award on ITCA conference.