skybook wins prestigious national award

    24 Nov 2017


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skybook wins prestigious national award

A few months ago we entered skybook into the 2017 Digital Entrepreneur Awards, putting our class leading aviation software head to head with a host of nationally recognised big name brands in the hotly contested Software Innovation of the Year category.

The DEA’s have been recognising and honouring Britains online entrepreneurial talent for over a decade with a specialist panel of judges working to unearth entries that showcase the most cutting-edge use of the modern web.

The judges had their work cut out for them as they looked through all of entries but ultimately, they whittled the Software Innovation of the Year category to just 7 finalists and we were one of them.

The awards night came around quickly and we headed over to Manchester on Wednesday afternoon (22/11/17) not sure what to expect but determined to have a good night and remember that it’s an honour to have skybook recognised as a finalist amongst a number of other specialist providers who had all brought their ‘A’ game to the awards.

Shane Spencer, Bytron Aviation Systems Managing Director said: “Before we knew it, the host was reading out our category and the moment was upon us. Got to say my heart was in my mouth and as I looked left and right at my colleagues, you could cut the tension with a knife.

“What happened next I was not expecting but I’m immensely proud to say that we won. Bytron Aviation Systems are the 2017 Digital Entrepreneur Awards Software Innovation of the Year award winners. Sounds good doesn’t it.


“I’m so proud to have skybook recognised in this way on such a grand scale and it makes all of the effort put in by our team back at HQ all the more worthwhile. This award is recognition for us all.


“Everyone works hard each day to deliver our innovative Flight Dispatch, Digital Crew Briefing, Journey Logging and Airfield Monitoring modules, ensuring skybook helps all of our clients achieve their objectives.”

There’s no time to rest on our laurels though as the 2017 Flight Operations Conference is a matter of days away so if you want to know what all the skybook hype is about, come and see us on stand E3 and we’ll be more that happy to show you.