Sky Airline – Launches Fuel Efficiency Programme.

    11 Jun 2013


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Sky Airline, Chile’s fast growing low cost carrier announced today the selection of ETS Aviation’s Aviation FuelSaverProgramme to enhance its operational and fuel efficiency.

Aviation FuelSaver, created by aviation software and consultancy specialists ETS Aviation Ltd, combines smart software and fuel-saving expertise via a low cost annual subscription, designed to enable airlines of all sizes to benefit from the latest in Fuel Efficiency technology and expertise.

Holger Paulmann, Sky Airline CEO, said: “The Aviation FuelSaversoftware and consultancy program is the smart way to manage our fuel-efficiency objectives. With the fleet change, we have been able to reduce our Fuel-CASK by 36.2% and together with FuelSaver and the consultancy provided by ETS Aviation, we have discovered our fuel efficiency potentials and will focus on the key variables. The software tool is easy to use and already delivering results”.

The logic of the software is based on smart auto processing and calculation of data sourced from a variety of key operating parameters. The system converts the resulting data into easy to use graphical analysis charts and reports. The end user benefits from accurate monitoring of the operation fuel efficiency, tracking of fuel efficiency procedures and the detection of potential fuel efficiency gains. However, the software is also backed by ETS Aviation’s fuel efficiency specialists and IT expertise that makes it a unique total solution which delivers high returns for a very modest investment.

Ian Britchford, Director of Fuel Saving for ETS Aviation said “It is great to be working with a growing, focused airline in this region of the world that has clear objectives for their fuel saving programme.”

For further information please contact:

ETS Aviation Corporate Communications

Tel: +351 913 054 493
