SAS Ground Handling digitalization project Go Live

    02 Oct 2018


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SAS Ground Handling digitalization project Go Live

02/10/2018 – Cervino are managing the SAS Ground Handling Digitalization Project. The first phase was introduced in may and the result is desribed by SAS below:

“With the introduction of iPads to loading supervisors, SAS Ground Handling has taken the first step to digitalize the working environment; simplifying everyday tasks and making the turnaround process smoother and more efficient.

SAS Ground Handling launched earlier this year a mobility & planning project, divided into three different streams. The first part of the project “Ramp mobility” started in May and has proven to give a number of advantages.  Ramp mobility involves that all loading supervisors on ARN, OSL and CPH is equipped with a personal iPad. The Ipads contribute to improved efficiency for the staff working on the ramp, when the loading supervisor before had to leave the apron to print release, or to talk with load control, they can now do that while working with loading or unloading the aircraft,

-The waiting time is gone, we can now start to work right away, says loading supervisor Alexander Vasberg.  SAS Ground strategy focuses on our operational priorities; Safety, Punctuality & Care.

One of the main focuses of the digitalization of SAS Ground Handling has therefore been improving the safety work. Loading Supervisors agree that the safety work has become easier now.

-We have all manuals in the iPad, so if there are any questions about what the wizard says, we can just look it up while we’re out working, says loading supervisor Johan Edkvist.

Occurrence reporting has become easier and more time-saving since the digitalization project was launched, when loading supervisor before had to do the occurrence reporting on a computer when they got back inside, they can now file the report right away.

Like all new projects, not everything has worked smoothly. Loading supervisors witness for example that there have been problems with Group talk, a function that makes flight crew, gate staff and ramp staff able to speak to each other, group talk will eventually replace todays radio Communication.

-We have approached Group talk with our concerns and they are looking on a way to improve the function and see if they can integrate our equipment today with group talk, says Product manager Oscar Becker.  

Though there are some issues, both Loading supervisors and management are very happy with the launch of the mobility project and they can already see the benefits with it.

-We have a much more smoother and more effective handling of the turnaround procedure now, loading supervisors have everything they need with them. We can see that it creates less stress, increases safety and punctuality for our Loading supervisors and their teams, states Oscar Becker.”