PSI Invests More in Industry 4.0 and Export in First Six Months

    30 Jul 2013


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PSI Invests More in Industry 4.0 and Export in First Six Months

  • With 109 million Euros, new orders 24 % higher than sales
  • Group sales increase by 2 % to 87.7 million Euros
  • EBIT 31 % below previous year at 3.5 million Euros due to development expenses

Berlin, 30 July 2013 – PSI Group increased its sales in the first half of 2013 by 2 % to 87.7 million Euros (30 June 2012: 85.7 million Euros). The EBIT was, with 3.5 million Euros, 31 % below the figure for the previous year (30 June 2012: 5.1 million Euros). As a result of higher deferred taxes, the group net result decreased to 1.7 million Euros (30 June 2012: 4.1 million Euros). New orders of 109 million Euros were 4 % below those of the previous year (30 June 2012: 114 million Euros), the order book volume on 30 June decreased to 137 million Euros (30 June 2012: 142 million Euros). In the previous year, there were two important new orders in the second quarter with a total volume of 10 million Euros and a licensing of over 2 million Euros.

Energy Management (gas, oil, electricity, heat, energy trading) had 3 % lower sales of 29.7 million Euros (30 June 2012: 30.7 million Euros) in the first six months. The EBIT for the segment was, with 0.6 million Euros considerably lower than the result for the previous year (30 June 2012: 1.7 million Euros). The gas and oil business continued its very good development; the energy trading systems business improved its result. The electrical energy business invested very heavily in multilingualism, support of Asian characters, client capability, voltage stability optimisation and other important special functions for the export to Asia. This should reduce the dependency on the German market that is still marked by the wait and see attitude due to the energy transition.

Sales in Production Management (raw materials, industry, logistics) were, at 43.2 million Euros in the first six months, slightly below the figure for the previous year (30 June 2012: 43.7 million Euros). The EBIT decreased by 37 % to 1.9 million Euros (30 June 2012: 3.0 million Euros). The metals and manufacturing industry businesses continued their good development. In the metals industry, PSI profited with orders from North America resulting from the strongly reduced energy prices as a consequence of shale gas that is leading to significant investments in the steel and aluminium industry in the US. Production Management was burdened by the investments in software for the optimisation and control of larger logistics networks that are well over budget and a functional prototype for highly flexible graphically modelled business process and production flow control that are extremely important for the implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept. PSI is significantly involved in a number of research projects for the Industry 4.0 initiative of the German government.

Infrastructure Management (transportation and security) increased sales by 31 % to 14.8 million Euros (30 June 2012: 11.2 million Euros). The EBIT for the segment increased significantly to 1.7 million Euros (30 June 2012: 1.1 million Euros). The business in Southeast Asia and Poland again developed positively.

The number of employees in the Group increased as of 30 June 2013 to 1,667 (30 June 2012: 1,552) as a result of the expansion of capacity in the export markets. Cash flow from operating activities improved by 61 % to –1.6 million Euros (30 June 2012: –4.1 million Euros). Liquidity decreased as a result of, amongst other things, the repayment of a shortterm loan and by the 0.8 million Euros higher dividend to 23.9 million Euros (30 June 2012: 25.8 million Euros).

PSI will continue to make additional developmental efforts in the third quarter that will offer many extremely attractive opportunities for orders in North America and Asia in the fourth quarter. As reported at the General Meeting, PSI sees 2013 as a year of transition with strong investments in technology, a change in the commercial management and the implementation of a new financial accounting and administration system. In connection with the winning of major contracts, the expectations for the year will become more concrete in the course of the fourth quarter.

On the basis of its own software products, PSI AG develops and integrates complete solutions for energy management (gas, oil, electricity, heat, energy trading), production management (mining, metals, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics) and infrastructure management for transport and safety. PSI was founded in 1969 and employs 1,600 persons worldwide.

Your contact:
PSIPENTA Software Systems GmbH
Oliver K. Schmidt
Vice President Aerospace Business
Dircksenstraße 42-44
10178 Berlin, Deutschland