PSI 2012 with Strong Growth in Production and Infrastructure Segment
01 Apr 2013
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PSI 2012 with Strong Growth in Production and Infrastructure Segment
Group sales increase by 7 % to 180.9 million
Berlin, 15 March 2013 – The PSI Group had sales of 180.9 million Euros (2011: 169.5 million Euros) in financial year 2012, an increase of 7 %. The EBIT increased by 21 % to 12.9 million Euros (2011: 10.7 million Euros). The group net result increased by 27 % to 9.4 million Euros (2011: 7.4 million Euros), the earnings per share increased to 0.60 euro (2011: 0.47 euro). The new orders were, at 188 million Euros, 8 % above the previous year (2011: 174 million Euros), the order book volume at the end of the year increased to 118 million Euros (2011: 112 million Euros).
Energy Management was primarily carried by the gas and oil business in 2012, while in the field of electrical energy the demand backlog continues as a result of the German energy transition. Due to the fact that this cannot be completely compensated by the export business, the sales in this segment decreased by just about 10 % to 62.3 million Euros (2011: 68.9 million Euros). The electrical energy business invested in the improvement of the product character of its solutions and developed many new unique selling points for the management of the fluctuation of renewable energies. Encumbered by these expenses, the EBIT dropped to 3.2 million Euros (2011: 4.0 million Euros).
In Production Management, PSI increased sales in 2012 by 14 % to 89.4 million Euros (2011: 78.6 million Euros). The EBIT increased by 20 % to 6.6 million Euros (2011: 5.5 million Euros). The largest contribution to the EBIT came from the metals and raw materials extraction business, followed by production planning, logistics and optimisation. Following upon the successful entry into the Chinese market in the previous year, the raw materials extraction business won a strategically important major contract from one of the largest Chinese coal mining companies.
With 29.2 million Euros, Infrastructure Management obtained a 32 % increase in sales in 2012 (2011: 22.1 million Euros). The EBIT increased by 39 % to 4.3 million Euros (2011: 3.1 million Euros). All of the segment’s business units improved their result; the strongest growth in new orders was shown by PSI Poland.
In 2012, PSI had expenditures totalling 17.9 million Euros for research and development (2011: 16.2 million Euros). The new group-wide development platform increasingly allows the strengths of all the business units to be combined and at the same time to reduce costs. In the future the new platform will also be employed more so than to date in the Energy and Infrastructure business. In 2012, license sales as a measure of the product character of the business increased by 23 % to 17.4 million Euros (2011: 14.2 million Euros), maintenance sales increased by 15 % to 40.6 million Euros (2011: 35.3 million Euros).
The cash flow from operating activities decreased to 0.8 million Euros (2011: 15.4 million Euros) as a result of the pre-financing of projects in the Far East, liquidity at the end of the year was, at 33.3 million Euros, slightly below the value for the previous year (31 December 2011: 33.8 million Euros), still sufficient for the financing of organic growth and targeted takeovers. The Management Board will propose a 20 % higher dividend of 0.30 Euro to the Annual General Meeting.
PSI will concentrate in the coming years to an even greater extent on software products for efficient material and energy streams. With the shortage of resources and increasing fluctuation of energy generation these solutions and therefore leading software providers such as PSI will continue to gain in value. For 2013 PSI is aiming for 200 million Euros in new orders, a growth in sales to 190 million Euros and an increase of the EBIT to 14 to 17 million Euros. With a strong beginning of 18 % more new orders compared to the previous year in the first two months of the new financial year, PSI has already established a very solid basis for achieving this goal.
PSI AG develops and integrates complete solutions, on the basis of its own software products, for the management of energy networks (electricity, gas, oil, heat), production management (metals, automotive, mechanical engineering, mining, logistics) and infrastructure management for transport and safety. PSI was founded in 1969 and employs 1,600 people in the group worldwide.
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PSIPENTA Software Systems GmbH
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