PPS8 is here!

    01 Oct 2012


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PPS8 is here!

AIR SUPPORT A/S proudly announces the release of PPS8 – the successor to the established PPS Flight  Planning software.

PPS8 Flight Planning System is rolling out and features a ground breaking new user interface. This new interface is designed with the user in mind pushing the limits of flight planning. PPS8 effectively delivers efficiency by putting information where customers need it – when it’s needed.

  • On the fly background recalculation – instantly see results.
  • Detachable information panels – customize the overview.
  • Put it on dual-screens or even triple monitors.
  • Open as many flight plans you want – simultaneously.

…and much more.

Building on the well-known precision of the PPS Flight Planning calculation engine, PPS8 delivers the same exact detailed operational flight logs and does it with much higher ease of use. PPS8 features an innovative approach to the interface, providing results as soon as you type. And by letting the user choose where and what info to show, PPS8 lets users focus on the planning process – putting the workload on the machine and the overview on the screen.

AIR SUPPORT A/S is offering customers to migrate from PPS7 to the new PPS8 Flight Panning System. The software is delivered to existing customers free of charge.


AIR SUPPORT A/S specializes in the provisioning of computer based flight planning software systems with integrated web-based CrewBriefing services worldwide. As the leading European supplier of flight planning software and CrewBriefing solutions to private and commercial business aircraft operators, AIR SUPPORT A/S delivers solutions to regional, charter, cargo, national airlines as well as military/utility operators.

AIR SUPPORT A/S also specializes in the provisioning of advanced interfaced solutions. Both airline operators and business aviation operators utilizing 3rd party scheduling, crew planning systems, EFB and FMS upload, benefiting from the automated and dynamic output of the interfaced solutions from AIR SUPPORT A/S.

For more information, please contact AIR SUPPORT A/S at +45 75 33 88 89 or sales@airsupport.dk.