Navtech Signs Long-Term Deal with Ryanair for Electronic Charts and FMS Data

    16 Sep 2014


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Navtech Signs Long-Term Deal with Ryanair for Electronic Charts and FMS Data

Waterloo, ON – September 16, 2014 – Navtech Inc., a leader in flight operations software and services, signed a long-term deal with Ryanair, the world’s biggest international scheduled airline, to provide aeronautical charts and flight management system (FMS) data for use onboard its fleet of 300 Boeing 737-800s.  

Based in Ireland, Ryanair is Europe’s favourite low fares airline and will grow from 82 million passengers in 2014 to over 150 million passengers by the end of FY2024.  Known for its volume and continued rapid expansion, Ryanair’s progressive growth plans require partners and solutions with similar characteristics, and Navtech was their choice for navigational data.

The parties seamlessly converted Ryanair to Navtech paper charts and FMS data on August 21, 2014, and are accelerating Ryanair’s transition to an electronic flight bag with Navtech’s state-of-the-art cockpit solution, iCharts EFB.

Navtech’s iCharts EFB was released earlier this year and Ryanair’s adoption of this solution heralds its immediate and timely advent to the market. iCharts EFB provides pilots with quick and easy access to the most up-to-date data as well as customization options based on user and organization size.

“Navtech has been working with Ryanair to incorporate the iCharts EFB solution into their demanding operational model,” states Mike Hulley, President and CEO at Navtech. “This partnership has resulted in a product that now meets all of the operational needs of the world’s largest global network carriers, the largest low cost carriers – and everyone in between.”

“Ryanair is pleased to launch Navtech Charts and FMS data on board our flights this summer,” said Michael Hickey, Group Director of Operations at Ryanair. “In Navtech, we found a partner whose products will help us to deliver further efficiencies as we grow from our current 300 aircraft fleet to 520 aircraft over the next 10 years”.

A three month project successfully culminated in Navtech replacing Ryanair’s previous solutions with improved paper charts and FMS data. “The transition of paper charts and FMS data was seamless,” said Michael Hickey. “We will now eliminate paper charts in the cockpit by deploying Navtech’s iCharts EFB software on board our entire fleet.”

About Navtech, Inc.:

Navtech, Inc. is an international, leading global provider of flight operations solutions, serving more than 400 airlines and aviation services customers.  Navtech’s product suite includes aeronautical charts (paper and electronic), navigation data solutions, flight planning, aircraft performance software, and crew planning solutions.

These products directly support millions of flights globally each year and maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with complex national and international safety regulations for customers.  Navtech’s corporate office is located in Canada’s technology center, Waterloo, ON, with offices in London, and Ahmedabad and additional satellite offices around the world.  To learn more about Navtech, visit

About Ryanair:

Ryanair is Europe’s favourite low fares airline, operating more than 1,600 daily flights (over 500,000 per year) from 69 bases, across 1,600 low fare routes, connecting 186 destinations in 30 countries and operating a fleet of more than 300 new Boeing 737-800 aircraft. Ryanair has recently announced firm orders for a further 180 new Boeing 737-800 aircraft, as well as firm orders for 100 new Boeing 737 MAX 200s (with an option for an additional 100). Ryanair currently has a team of more than 9,500 highly skilled professionals, will carry 86 million customers this year and has an outstanding 30-year safety record.


Aleksandra Kulik (Navtech)
Tel: 519-747-1170

Robin Kiely (Ryanair)
Tel: +353-1-9451212
Follow us on Twitter: @Ryanair