Hannah Davies joins Rusada as freelance writer

    25 Sep 2015


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Hannah Davies joins Rusada as freelance writer

We are delighted to announce that Hannah Davies joined the Rusada team as a freelance writer. Hannah will contribute to Rusada’s online content, with her creating and compiling blogs, case studies and white papers for distribution online.

Hannah is an aviation journalist specialising in MRO. She began her career as a reporter for Aircraft Technology Engineering & Maintenance magazine at MRO Network and in less than a year was promoted to Assistant Editor. Now working as a freelance writer, Hannah reports on everything from maintenance processes and supply chain logistics to technology and innovation. In addition to writing about the world of aviation, she also loves to fly and names the A380 as her favourite aircraft.

Scott Leslie, Marketing Manager said “I’ve been aware of Hannah’s talents for a while now and with the opportunity arising for somebody to come on board and help increase our content creation it made perfect sense to get in touch with Hannah. Her experience speaks for itself and we are delighted to have found a reporter of Hannah’s calibre within the MRO industry to work with us.”

Keep your eyes open over the coming weeks to see what Hannah will be writing about. We’ll announce on Twitter when Hannah’s first blog is published.

Watch this space…