Flight Focus and Smart4Aviation establish strategic partnership to launch embedded Aircraft Performance solutions

    23 Mar 2011


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SINGAPORE, 23rd March 2011 – Singapore based Flight Focus and Netherlands based Smart4Aviation announced a strategic partnership designed to mutually benefit the customers of both companies. The joint co-operation will begin with the integration between the Flight Focus PLATFORM™, an enhanced and connected Class 3 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) solution with ‘open’ application hosting for Class 2 software, and Smart4Aviation’s EFB solutions supporting Aircraft and Runway Performance. Ralf Cabos, Managing Director of Flight Focus, said “Our customers will benefit through the integration of Smart4Aviation’s Performance calculator and analysis tools into the Flight Focus PLATFORM™. One of the key advantages of our ‘open’ system concept is the ability for Airlines to choose their own vendor solutions and have these run seamlessly on our PLATFORM. Coupled with our dynamically updated Weather and NOTAMs, Flight Crew will have more options available to optimize their Take-Off and Landing data, which will lead to enhanced safety and improved aircraft engine life through the ability to perform reduced thrust take-offs. Flight Focus will also be extending its Outsourced Flight Operations services to include S4A’s ground based Aircraft Performance solutions as required by its customers”.

Dirk Jan Baas, CEO of Smart4Aviation, said “This collaboration is another huge step forward, designed to give our customers full access to all of their airline operations information from any and all hardware platforms, from any location. The virtualization of the AOCC (Airline Operations Control Centre) has been a primary focus for Smart4Aviation; through the Web, Mobility solutions, and now with our new partner Flight Focus, through the best EFB hardware solutions available”.

About Flight Focus Pte Ltd
Flight Focus is a flight operations solutions and services provider for the aviation industry. The primary business is to provide airlines an open and complete Electronic Flight Bag solution resulting in savings and efficiencies almost immediately via the Flight Focus PLATFORM™. A well defined global delivery model enables a reduction in time-to-market and cost-of-ownership while offering world class quality solutions and services. Flight Focus headquarters is in located Singapore.