Flatirons Releases CORENA Pinpoint Mobile 6.0

    19 Nov 2014


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Flatirons Releases CORENA Pinpoint Mobile 6.0

Delivers Information to Line and Base Aircraft Mechanics at the Point of Performance

Flatirons Solutions, the leading provider of Content Lifecycle Management (CLM) consulting, technology, and outsourcing services for Fortune 1000 companies, announced today the release of CORENA Pinpoint Mobile 6.0, the company’s platform- and device-agnostic mobile solution for line and base aircraft maintenance. With this release of CORENA Pinpoint Mobile, Flatirons gives airline and MRO mechanics access to the broadest range of document types for the largest number of aircraft through mobile devices — including smartphones, tablets, phablets, and laptops —helping to deliver the right information to mechanics at the point of performance and increase aircraft utilization.

More than 800 American Airlines mechanics use tablets with CORENA Pinpoint Mobile to service aircraft and return them to active use.

The aviation industry was one of the first to adopt mobile devices by equipping pilots with tablets for use in the cockpit. Benefits afforded by mobile devices for line and base maintenance also are helping adoption in aircraft maintenance take off, as airlines and Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) organizations realize the time savings of reducing trips to computer kiosks to access documentation.

“In line maintenance, it’s a really great day when a mechanic is sitting down because the plane is flying,” said Blair Gregg, who oversaw the deployment of more than 800 tablets with CORENA Pinpoint Mobile to American Airlines mechanics. “But when an airplane needs attention, we want our mechanics to fix it fast. Giving them tablets keeps our mechanics on the plane, which saves time and keeps flights running.”

American Airlines was an early adopter of CORENA Pinpoint Mobile and is currently implementing version 6.0 thanks to benefits realized from the product. The airline’s early adoption of CORENA Pinpoint Mobile helped drive feature enhancements implemented in version 6.0, including:

  • High performance architecture: Faster search, browsing, content processing, and document rendering across a wide range of device types and connectivity modes.
  • Easy-to-use interface: Simplified navigation of the native tablet application to help mechanics find specific documentation as quickly as possible.
  • Smart connectivity: The application automatically switches to offline mode when a mechanic loses an Internet connection, providing continuous access to documentation without requiring the user to manually change modes.
  • Support for more document and aircraft types: CORENA Pinpoint Mobile 6.0 now supports the largest number of airframe document types, including nearly all Boeing and Airbus aircraft, in one solution.
  • Support for many engine models:  Through deployment at major operators, CORENA Pinpoint Mobile 6.0 brings support for major engine models from leading manufacturers, many of whom are also CORENA Suite adopters. 

“Flatirons is committed to helping its customers deliver the right information, at the right time, to the right people to drive greater task performer productivity and equipment utilization,” said JD Sillion, chief solutions officer for Flatirons. “CORENA Pinpoint Mobile 6.0 gives airline operators and MROs the most flexibility to make their mechanics as productive as possible, regardless of the mobile device, Web browser, or other method of information access they use.”

For more information about CORENA Pinpoint Mobile 6.0, visit http://www.corena.com/products/corena-pinpoint-mobile/.

About Flatirons Solutions

Flatirons Solutions (www.flatironssolutions.com) provides consulting, technology, and outsourcing for content lifecycle management. For more than 20 years, it has served global Fortune 1000 customers in aerospace, automotive, electronics, financial services, government, healthcare, and publishing. Its customer engagements help organizations efficiently deliver the right information, at the right time, to the right people by leveraging structured content and digital media — Turning Content into Knowledge®. Flatirons operates from offices in Asia, Europe, and the United States and is headquartered in Irvine, California.

Contact: Julie Fouque, Flatirons Solutions, Inc., Julie.Fouque@flatironssolutions.com, +1 303. 627.6535.