Another award for Air Canada Smart Brief Cabin

    01 Jul 2011


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Another award for Air Canada Smart Brief Cabin

The prominent award “Best Technical Innovation – Airline” went to Air Canada and its Smart BRIEF CABIN and Smart BRIEF CABIN Mobile applications at the recent AGIFORS meeting of the Crew Management Study group in Dubai. Earlier this year the  Smart Cabin applications were awarded a Mercury in the processes and systems category at the yearly ITCA conference held in Nice.  The applications tailor and provide operational information for cabin crew relevant to their flight schedule including passenger details, crew lists, destination – and aircraft specific forms.

Smart Suite modules enhanced with ash information display

Smart4Aviation delivers enhanced volcanic ash information as part of its Smart BRIEF , briefing and Smart VIEW+ flight watch modules. Based on data from the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres ash information is displayed on interactive maps, including vertical profile. The information can be dynamically adjusted showing ash concentrations at different flight levels   With the flight route being displayed on the map one can immediately see whether a flight is affected by ash or not.