AMOScentral – shifting boundaries

    06 Jun 2017


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AMOScentral – shifting boundaries

At a glance

– Swiss-AS launches the development of AMOScentral

– With AMOScentral the next level of M&E platform collaboration is within reach

– Members of the AMOS community may now connect to each other and beyond… 

AMOScentral – empowering collaboration

AMOS has one of the largest global reaches within the M&E software world. The fast growing AMOS community has now extended to more than 150 productive AMOS environments running worldwide. Following the need of members of the AMOS community to collaborate in one way or another, the concept of AMOScentral has evolved over the last years and is now ready to be announced.

AMOScentral – a cloud over all AMOS instances
AMOScentral is an innovative addition to the current Swiss-AS product suite that will seamlessly integrate into the AMOS world. It will allow each member of the AMOS community to either act as a subscriber or a provider of data sets according to its own needs while having a unique registration in the AMOScentral service directory.


– is a message broker (no data is stored)

– is cloud-based and therefore scalable

– enables the routing of AMOS data between instances

– organizes the “handshake” between members while determining

the best-fit communication.

Data control and confidentiality

Both parties, subscriber and provider, need to agree to the exchange of info via AMOScentral where privacy is guaranteed due to the end-to-end encryption of data. Strong encryption for the communication channels and the data exchanged is an important cornerstone of this architecture. Only the parties involved may read the data objects being exchanged (also not Swiss-AS), which ensures that AMOS customers never lose control of their data.

AMOScentral use cases

Already today, the existing AMOS multi-entity / multi-operator functions offer customers a medium for close cooperation which is suitable only in very specific customer contexts. The spectrum of collaboration via AMOScentral has many more facets and will be an enrichment for all members of the AMOS community. In dialogue with AMOS customers many AMOScentral use cases have emerged over time. Only a few use cases are referred to here (please see the AMOScentral White Paper for more info).

Data Harmonization / Synchronization: AMOScentral allows members of an airline group to harmonize predefined AMOS data sets, such as part numbers, ATA-chapters, aircraft-types, conditions or vendor addresses across multiple environments. After the initial harmonization process, these data sets are kept in synch by defining for each data set via AMOScentral a master entity within the group that then feeds the linked receiving entities.

In addition, AMOS customers can agree to “open” access to their AMOS platforms to certain predefined Data Requests, e.g. stock availability requests could be raised over multiple AMOS instances to show AMOS customers where to find a requested part within their pre-defined AMOScentral community.

The Data Subscription concept goes a step further by allowing AMOS customers within an airline group or beyond, to provide AMOS expertise in specific areas against a subscription fee. For example, EOs “engineered” by an AMOS customer could be distributed to n-subscribers. The AMOS customer subscribing would then save the build-up of in-house expertise. The same concept could be applied to distributing edited Maintenance Programs, etc.

But this is just a start: Linking AMOScentral to external digital service providers will be a further aspect of this collaboration platform. AMOScentral will be revolutionary in the industry and will empower collaboration by shifting boundaries!

Time to market

The basic functionalities of AMOScentral will be developed over the next couple of years and, as soon as ready, will be gradually made available to the AMOS community.

By spanning a virtual cloud over all AMOS instances, AMOScentral allows each AMOS customer to individually open its platform to collaborate to the desired extent with other members of the AMOS community and beyond …