AMOS Merge of Condor

    22 Jul 2016


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AMOS Merge of Condor

July 22, 2016 – The migration of two actively used dynamic databases is a big challenge that needs a very careful and well planned preparation. CrossConsense successfully managed to merge the different AMOS versions of Condor and Condor Berlin.

The obstacles that the migration had to overcome were as follows:

  • Handle data clashes on several AMOS areas, such as part definition, rotables, workorders…
  • The customer wish of having all data exactly as in the source environment, beyond the normal AMOS data transfer standards.
  • Applying advanced data filtering to merge only relevant data linked to the current fleet and operations.

Due to the careful preparation and good cooperation between the project-managers on all sides (Condor, Condor Berlin  and CrossConsense) the final AMOS merge did not take longer than 72 hours and more than 16 Mio records were migrated in total.

“I want to say a really big thank you to … Mirko Lang of CrossConsense who accomplished the nearly impossible during this merge, in my point of view.”, says Andreas Rüskamp, AMOS Administrator at Condor Berlin GmbH.