AerData achieves prestigious Service Assurance Attestation for the second year

    25 Nov 2015


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AerData achieves prestigious Service Assurance Attestation for the second year
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 25th November 2015 – AerData, the provider of lease management, records management and engine fleet planning software announced today that they have successfully achieved attestation of service control for the second consecutive year under ISAE 3402.

International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402 is the international assurance standard which supersedes the Statement on Auditing Standards No.70: Service Organizations (SAS70). Through annual Service Organisation Control (SOC) reports it attests that a service organization has undergone an independent in-depth audit of their internal controls in accordance with the ISAE 3402 standard issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), which is part of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).
ISAE 3402 has been developed to provide an international assurance standard for allowing public accountants to issue a report for use by user organizations and their auditors (user auditors) on the controls at a service organization that are likely to impact or be a part of the user organization’s system of internal control over financial reporting.
This independent attestation states that AerData performance achieved the control objectives set by Senior Management to address all key risks to customer software as a service (SaaS) and that AerData management controls operated effectively throughout this period.
Commenting on the announcement, David Clark, Senior Manager Group Compliance for AerData, said, “This achievement for the second consecutive year demonstrates unwavering and continued commitment across all levels of AerData to the highest of industry standards and best practices. I am confident that this attestation will provide significant service assurance to both our existing and potential customers alike.”